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Herbal smoke wands are an amazing natural tool you can use to cleanse and restore your energy as well as the energy of your home, objects, etc. Burning herbal wands, like sage, is an ancient vibe-cleaning tradition that’s been around forever. Any time you need to cleanse away any stagnant or negative energy and/ or bring in new energy, it’s always a good idea to declutter, sanitize, and charge your home regularly with your favorite aromas to bring as much warmth and positive energy into your space as possible. Herbal smoke wands are perfect for just that!
Continue reading to find out more about the advantages of burning herbal smoke wands, common herbs used to make smoke wands (+ their spiritual meanings and uses), as well as how you can craft your own herbal smoke wand at home to enhance your general well-being. Let’s get started!
Benefits of Using Herbal Smoke Wands
Smoke wands have a reputation for clearing the energy in a room, removing low frequencies and negativity surrounding spaces, people, and objects.
In addition to its purifying properties, the fragrant smoke produced by herbal smoke wands has a pleasant aroma that promotes emotions of serenity and tranquility, relieves headaches, and improves cognitive ability:
If done correctly, smoke cleansing will purify almost any area. Any negative energy and evil spirits can be driven out of your workstation by burning herbs like lavender, pine, or palo santo and keeping the windows open.
This, however, extends beyond the restricted spiritual cleaning. Sage smoke purification in particular may have a negligible positive impact on your health. White sage has antibacterial properties, making it capable of warding off harmful microorganisms including fungi and diseases.
Reduce Stress + Boost Your Mood (Naturally)
Everyone experiences mild tension from time to time! Consider smoke cleansing when your days are difficult and things aren’t working your way. The body can be soothed by herbs like sandalwood, lavender, and peppermint, which can also assist in reducing tension. Light the dried bundle of incense and set it up in your room to get the most out of these plants. Release any stress in your body as you inhale the cleansing smoke.
Ease Headaches & Improve Cognition
Did you know that the smoke from cedar, sage, peppermint, and pine can improve cognition in addition to burning strongly and fragrantly? Herbs with strong or enticing scents can be smoked to increase alertness and clear your mind, similar to how stress and sleep aids do. Try a dehumidifier with essential oils or oils in salt to completely capture their cognition-healing properties if you don’t want to smoke cleanse but want the same result!
While excessive smoke can contribute to headaches, some herbal smoke wands can actually provide relief. For example, Palo Santo can help to relieve tension headaches and drive away the aftereffects of a restless night or loud noises. Burning it will also enable you to experience powerful emotional cleansing because it is a holy wood.
Choose Your Herbs (6 Top Smokeable Herbs)
Because of its purifying properties in ceremonial rituals and meditation, Sage is the most popular variety of herb used in smoke wands. It is not the only choice available, though. Plants such as juniper, lavender, mugwort, cedar, and rosemary are also excellent for clearing smoke! Sage is also widely used simply because it is commonly available in most metaphysical shops.
Whatever herb you decide to use, it is best to be aware of the herbs’ common associations before gathering them for smoke clearing, especially if you have specific goals in mind.
Here’s a quick list of our top favorite herbs to burn:
- SAGE: Sage clears and purifies an area. It works best as a foundation for other sweet-smelling plants like rose and lavender.
- JUNIPER: Juniper is a herb of grace, enduring power, and protection. This herb is the best choice for finding love and returning to self-love.
- CEDAR: The woodsy aroma of cedar makes any space seem cozy. It frequently connotes rebirth and rootedness.
- ROSE: You guessed it correctly! Roses are for luring romantic love into one’s life. Roses are also frequently associated with prosperity and victory, making it a herb that is excellent for manifestation.
- LAVENDER: Lavender is the color of femininity and all the qualities that go with it, such as grace, beauty, and a connection to nature. It promotes healing, safety, and mental peace.
- FRANKINCENSE: Frankincense creates a woody, aromatic scent that promotes solitude and sacredness. Frankincense is ideal for deity and ancestral altars.
How to Make a Herbal Smoke Wand
To make an herbal smoke wand, trim the chosen herbs to the proper length before using them. You will need a pair of scissors, some string (jute, cotton, hemp, or linen works best), and 15 to 20 sprigs of your preferred herbs for this method. Make sure the herbs you choose to combine work well together. Floral and citrus scents pair well with woodsy aromas like cedar, juniper, and sage. If you’re feeling particularly creative, you might accent your selected woody base with rose petals and a piece of dried orange or lemon.
Next, neatly bind your herbs together in a bundle from bottom to top using your string. It can be helpful to make a loop at the base of the stems using your string and secure it with a knot. To tightly tie the herbs together, wrap the thread’s loose end around your wand several times until you run out of string. Be sure to leave little spaces so the string can catch the herbs or flowers once they have completely dried!
After trimming the herbs that protrude from the bundle, let it dry for at least two weeks if you’re using freshly picked herbs. You can use a match or burning candle to light them once they are prepared.
These smoke wands are excellent gifts as well as amazing spiritual aids for energy work such as tarot reading, meditation, or witchcraft!