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Have you ever heard of an aura? Auras are the electromagnetic fields that surround us and can reveal information about our emotions, energy, and spirit. While there are many colors associated with an aura, each one has its own unique meaning that can tell us important things about ourselves.
If you’ve ever wondered what your aura color says about you, you’re not alone. Many people believe that our auras are reflective of our personalities and can give us insight into our true selves. There is a lot of debate surrounding the topic of auras, but some experts believe that they are generated or at least influenced by our thoughts and emotions.
Read on to discover what auras are, how to identify the color of your aura, different aura color meanings, as well as how to use aura colors to manifest and create a deeper connection with yourself + the world around you!
What are Auras?
Auras are an energy field that surrounds and interacts with us, made up of different colors and frequencies. It can be seen by some people and felt by others. Auras are believed to tell about our emotional state, physical health, and overall well-being. By learning to read and interpret the colors in your aura, you can gain insight into your spiritual state of mind and get a better understanding of yourself.
The human aura has seven primary colors that correspond to the chakras (energy centers) in your body. Red relates to your base chakra, orange relates to your sacral chakra, yellow relates to your solar plexus chakra, green relates to your heart chakra, blue relates to your throat chakra, indigo relates to your third eye or brow chakra, and violet relates to your crown chakra. There are also secondary colors that come from each of these primary colors; these are shades of the primary colors and help give more definition and depth to each one.
Auras can reveal a lot about our innermost selves. Our aura colors can change based on our moods, thoughts, and emotions, so they can be a helpful tool for self-awareness and growth. And not only that, understanding your aura color can also help you attract more of what you want in life. If you want to manifest more love, for example, visualizing yourself surrounded by a pink or violet aura can help attract those energies into your life.
How to Identify the Colors of your Aura
If you’re curious about what your aura color might say about you, there are several ways to find out. There are many online quizzes and tests that claim to be able to tell you your aura color based on your personality type. However, these should be taken with a grain of salt as they are not always accurate.
One of the most trusted methods for aura readings is from an experienced practitioner who can see and interpret your auric field. If you’re interested in finding out more about your true colors, consider booking an appointment with a psychic or energy healer who could read your aura or an aura (Kirlian) photographer in your area. Or, you could use an app like Aura ID to get started.
Understanding the Color Meanings in Your Aura
Your aura is a reflection of how you feel on the inside, and its colors are an indication of where your energy is currently directed. By recognizing these colors, you can gain insight into what’s going on in your subconscious mind and get a better understanding of yourself.
Our auric field is said to be constantly changing, depending on our moods and experiences. So, if you’re feeling stressed or anxious, your aura may appear different than when you’re feeling happy and relaxed. Different shades and intensities mean different things; for example, a deep blue could represent inner peace, while a pale blue might suggest a need for some self-care. You can usually tell the difference between “positive” and “negative” energy within the aura by how clear/cloudy or bright/dark the colors are. Although not always the case, typically, auras that are darker shades and/or muddied indicate more shadow characteristics.
Pro tip: pay close attention to what colors appear in your aura when you’re feeling certain emotions or situations. Knowing this will help you to better interpret the colors in your aura and gain insight into what they mean for you.
So, what do different aura colors mean? Below is a key to help you interpret the meaning of various primary aura colors:
RED AURA / Associated with the Root chakra. Represents passion, vitality, and enthusiasm. People with red auras are often natural trailblazers with strong leadership skills and ambition. Red auras also represent protection, grounding, and survival instincts. They typically have no fear of things like birth, death, excess, sensuality, or activities that make others tense and tend to be fighters and survivors who can handle difficult situations with ease. In some cases, people with red auras may also be misunderstood or judged unfairly for their strong personalities or aggressive behavior.
ORANGE AURA / Associated with the Sacral chakra. Signifies creativity, independence, and confidence. Those with orange auras are often independent thinkers. They are often very self-assured individuals who are able to find success in all aspects of life. This is because they trust their intuition, know what they want, and are without hesitation or doubt about their abilities to achieve their goals successfully. They love trying new things! Their love of newness and novelty, however, can lead to commitment issues. People that have an orange aura are very observant and extremely energetic. Orange auras are associated with fun and excitement, and people who have them are often restless and want to experience everything life has to offer.
YELLOW AURA / Associated with the Solar Plexus chakra. Indicates intelligence, wisdom, and joy. People with yellow auras are often quick-witted and have a great sense of humor. Yellow auras signify creativity and optimism. These individuals often have good problem-solving skills and enjoy engaging in creative activities such as writing or art. They are born leaders who frequently exhibit tremendous levels of enthusiasm and the capacity to inspire others. People with yellow auras naturally uplift and support others; they may be exceptionally skilled at deciphering difficult ideas. Full of kindness and joy, others are naturally drawn to them.
GREEN AURA / Associated with the Heart chakra. Symbolizes growth, abundance, and nature. Gentle and loving, people with green auras are often down-to-earth and in tune with the natural world around them. Green auras represent balance, love, and peace in life. All creatures who come into contact with those who have green auras perceive their unconditional love. Those with this type of aura strive for harmony between their personal beliefs, emotions, values, and goals. They are the most evenly-tempered individuals in the entire hue spectrum, effortlessly devoting the same amount of time to their loved ones and to their own creative endeavors.
BLUE AURA / Associated with the Throat chakra. Represents truth, loyalty, and communication. People with blue auras are often good listeners and great communicators. Because blue auras indicate clarity of thought, people with this type of aura tend to be open-minded, rational thinkers who are able to express their ideas clearly. This color also represents knowledge, wisdom, and intelligence. Those who have blue in their aura usually have a high IQ level as well as strong creative skills such as artistry or music composition.
INDIGO AURA / Associated with the Third Eye chakra. Signifies intuition, perception, and spirituality. The indigo aura color represents spiritual growth and wisdom. This color appears in people who are highly creative and have insightful ideas. When you have an indigo aura color, you have a lot of wisdom, which allows you to see things that others may not be able to see. You also have strong psychic abilities and can sense things before they happen. Indigos are very sensitive to energy fields around them, so they can pick up on other people’s feelings easily as well as their own emotions.
VIOLET AURA / Associated with the Crown chakra. Denotes transformation, intuitive ability, and imagination. Violet aura color energy is extremely powerful and is associated with higher realms of consciousness. Violet auras are highly psychic and in touch with their intuition. They have the ability to heal themselves and others on all levels. Violets are also highly creative with a great deal of imagination. They love the arts and may be drawn to music or dance as a career path. Idealists with high aspirations for the future, they are driven by an inner yearning to make a significant contribution with their life. Due to their intuition and intelligence, people with violet-purple energy are typically able to discern the “larger picture” of any situation without becoming bogged down in the specifics.
It is important to note that these are generalizations – the meaning of your aura color may vary depending on the individual. For example, someone with a blue aura may have strong communication skills but also be quite introverted at times. Similarly, someone with a red aura may possess strong leadership qualities but also struggle to make decisions when presented with too many options.
Using Color to Enhance Your Life Energy & Positive Vibrations
Understanding your aura color can assist you in manifesting and help you attract more of what you want in life. If you want to manifest more love, for example, visualizing yourself surrounded by a pink or green aura can help attract those energies into your life. For confidence, you could visualize a red or orange aura instead. Calm and clear speech can be manifested with a blue aura. Basically, you can use different aura colors to strengthen your intentions.
The color of your aura can also be used to help you re-center and focus on generating positive vibrations in your life. Through mindfulness and meditation, you can begin to pay attention to the colors that appear during these moments and use them to fill yourself with positive energy.
Once you recognize the different energies, positive or negative, associated with specific colors, you can use the power of those colors to enhance your feelings of joy and peace. By doing this regularly, you will be able to foster a healthier, happier mental space for yourself.
Key Takeaway
Auras are the energy fields that surround us, which can be seen as different colors. Auras are believed to be an indicator of one’s physical, emotional, and mental state. Each color has a different meaning and knowing your aura color can help you understand yourself better. The most common colors in an aura are blue, red, yellow, and green. Each of these colors has its own unique meaning and can provide insight into different aspects of your life.
Understanding your aura color can help you gain better insight into yourself and how you interact with the world around you. Knowing your true colors can also help you identify patterns in your behavior that may be holding you back from living life to its fullest potential – whether it’s an inability to take risks or difficulty expressing emotion effectively in relationships. With this knowledge, you can begin to make positive changes in order to lead a more fulfilling life!
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