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Death Tarot Card Meaning
Death Tarot card meaning – The Wheel of Fortune is the 13th (XIII) card of the Major Arcana and represents change, destruction, cycles, endings, incubation, rebirth, release, and transition.
Death is probably the most misunderstood of all the Tarot cards. Many people fear Death out of the belief that it indicates literal, physical death. While it can show actual material death in certain readings, it is almost always representative of metaphorical death and transformation. So when you receive Death in your tarot reading, relax – you aren’t going to keel over! This card can actually be highly positive and signal the release of things that no longer serve you. Death can bring about necessary changes that will ultimately lead you to a better place than you were in to start with.
As the 13th card of the Tarot, Death is strongly associated with the numerological significance of the number 13. Many people are superstitious about the number 13, seeing it as a bad omen or unlucky number. However, in numerology thirteen is regarded as a highly karmic and divine number of change, death, and rebirth. If you learn to embrace the transformations 13 brings, it is believed to lead to great creativity, good luck, and prosperity.
Astrologically, the Death tarot card is connected with the zodiac sign Scorpio, as well as Scorpio’s element (Water) and planetary rulers (Mars & Pluto). The sign of Scorpio is deeply transformative, psychic, and cathartic; it is the astrological archetype of death and rebirth. Like Scorpio, the Death card reminds us that (in a metaphorical sense) death is necessary throughout our lives in order to bring about change, evolution, and growth.
Spiritually, the Death tarot card invites you to detach from the old so you may experience the beauty of the new. The Tarot lets us know through other cards such as the Wheel of Fortune that change is inevitable – it is the only constant in this life. All is temporary, and all will eventually have an end: everything meets death in the end.
However, the Death card isn’t about a violent or destructive end: it is about the natural death and decay that occurs around us everywhere, all the time (violent or shocking change can be seen in key XVI, The Tower). Naturally, death and decay are essential for stability and balance. Without death, species would overpopulate, waste matter would not be broken down, and the decay of dead animals and plants could not create fossil fuels or fertilizer for new plant life to grow. Death is a necessary, natural part of life.
Some questions Death asks you to ponder…
- What forms of death have you experienced?
- What forms may death take in your life?
- When was the last time you experienced dramatic change?
- How do you handle change?
Death holds an amazing amount of wisdom.
In this post, we’ll be going over Death’s Upright and Reversed meanings, as well as Death as a person (or significator) and Death as feelings. Sometimes awareness of a card’s place in the Tarot and your intuition can be all that’s needed to interpret its message, however, understanding the traditional meanings of the Upright/Reversed Death card, as well as its emotional and personal elements, will help equip you with deeper insight and more comprehensive, perceptive readings. Let’s get started!
The night kissed the fading day With a whisper: ‘I am death, your mother, From me you will get new birth.’
– Rabindranath Tagore
Death Keywords & Facts
Upright: | change, destruction, cycles, endings, incubation, rebirth, release, transition |
Reversed: | delayed endings, denial, resistance, repeated negative cycles, stagnation |
Energy: | Yin |
Element: | Water |
Planet: | Mars/Pluto |
Zodiac Sign: | Scorpio |
Yes or No: | Neutral/Yes/No |
Don’t have time to read? Check out this helpful video for key meanings of the Death Tarot card!
Death Upright
The Death tarot card represents natural endings and bright, new beginnings. In the upright position, Death means that you are currently in (or are about to enter) a period of incredible transformation. When this card appears in your tarot reading, it means that the circumstances around you are changing – old cycles are being purged, cleansed, and released. The Death card brings to mind the saying, “one door closes, another opens”. It is a sign that something around you is coming to completion or an end in order to make room for new growth.
Wherever there is an ending, there is always a beginning. After the pause and reflection brought about by The Hanged Man, the Death tarot card is symbolic of the ending of a major cycle, situation, or condition of your life. This card comes up when you may be releasing toxic people, thoughts, behaviors, or things. You could be moving from one place to another or saying goodbye to something or someone for now.
Death reveals that whatever is no longer serving you is being purged from your life so you can open up to the possibility of something far better for you. Its appearance is a sign to put the past behind you and embrace new opportunities and possibilities in your life. Resisting necessary changes or endings now can bring about more difficulty and pain. With Death, it’s important to remain open to these changes, even if they may feel detrimental at first.
This card can symbolize the ‘dark night of the soul’. The transformations it brings may not always be immediately welcomed. However, even though letting go of the past, moving on, and dealing with transitions can be difficult, Death promises that eventually, you will come out of the darkness and back into the light. The endings you are experiencing now are a promise of transformation, growth, and renewal. New possibilities, opportunities, and blessings await you.
Death Reversed
Death Reversed can mean that you are avoiding necessary change right now. A positive and meaningful change could be on your doorstep, but you are choosing to ignore it. This could be because you are holding on to something that needs releasing or you could be so full of grief that you’ve stopped experiencing the magic and joy of your own life.
It’s possible with this Major Arcana reversal that you may desire or need to make a change, but you do not know how to go about it. Traumas, disappointments, or harmful experiences from the past may be interfering with your life now or blocking you off from a new opportunity. Due to your resistance, life has come to a stalemate and you could feel stuck in the dark.
Receiving Death Reversed in your tarot reading invites you to embrace the changes coming to you now rather than resisting them. Resisting necessary change won’t stop it from occurring, but it can and will prolong suffering. This card is a reminder that with every ending, there is the beginning of an entirely new journey that will bring gifts and opportunities all of its own. Let go of the past and surrender to the present. Affirm: “I am divinely guided and protected. I embrace change in all forms.”
(tarot decks are hyperlinked to each photo throughout this post; we may earn a commission should you purchase a deck.)
Death Tarot Card as Yes or No
The Death tarot card as a Yes or No is often considered a definite ‘No‘ by most tarot readers. However, Death isn’t as clear-cut as that. While this card often does represent a ‘no‘ from the Tarot, it is really on a case-by-case basis. Depending on your question, Death can represent both a Yes or a No.
For example, when asking a yes or no question about if you should stay in a draining job or relationship, Death is a strong ‘No‘. If you’re asking the Tarot whether or not you should seize a new opportunity, such as the chance to take a trip or start your own business, Death is a ‘Yes‘. Trust your intuition. If you still aren’t sure, pull a few extra cards for clarification.
Death (Reversed): Yes or No
Death Reversed as a Yes or No is almost always a stern ‘No‘ from the Tarot. Receiving this reversal in your Yes or No reading is a ‘no’ because Death Reversed signifies that you could be avoiding change and blocking off new opportunities and experiences for yourself. You could be hanging on to the past, fearful and reluctant to take the necessary steps you know you need to take now.
Death as a Person
As a person, the Death card represents someone who brings about transformation and change in the lives of those around them. They may be seen as a catalyst for growth and renewal, and have a profound impact on the people they encounter. They often have a charismatic or magnetic personality and have a way of inspiring others to see the world in a new light.
However, this change may also be seen as disruptive or unsettling, as the Death card can represent the ending of things that are familiar and comfortable. That being said, this person may challenge traditional ways of thinking, and push others out of their comfort zones. They initiate great change and often disrupt the status quo.
Because the Death card is associated with the astrological sign of Scorpio, it can show someone with a Scorpio Sun, Moon, or Rising (or even a strong 8th house influence) in their birth chart. If they aren’t a Scorpio, they could be very Scorpionic in nature. Just as Scorpio is an intense, intuitive sign that dives deep into places where others fear to tread, so is someone signified by the Death card. These people are often familiar with crises and trauma and often go through several transformations in their life that ingrains wisdom in their bones. They can be a little morbid, rebellious, bewitchingly mysterious, and somewhat of a misfit.
Death representing a person in a reading may also show someone who is deeply in tune with the soul and the unseen realms – they could very well be a strong psychic, mystic, and explorer of the occult sciences.
Death (Reversed) as a Person
As a person, the reversed Death card represents someone who may be stuck in old ways of thinking and struggling to adapt to change. They may have a tendency to hold on to things that no longer serve them, and be resistant to growth and transformation. They may also have a fear of the unknown and be uncertain about their ability to navigate new situations and challenges.
In some cases, Death in reverse can also indicate a lack of closure or a sense of unfinished business- this person may struggle to come to terms with endings and may feel as though they are stuck in a state of transition without resolution.
Death Tarot as Feelings
When the Death tarot card describes feelings, it can indicate that someone may be feeling apprehensive or uneasy about upcoming changes. Change is inevitable in life. The person in question could feel like they are coming face to face with external forces that they cannot change, and this makes them highly uncomfortable! Death shows that they could feel powerless or out of control, and they are struggling to deal with it. With the 13th Major Arcana card as feelings, it can also suggest deep grief, emotional catharsis, and a sense of loss.
If you drew the Death card as how someone feels about you, this can mean that they feel like you’ve made a major impact on them or their life in some way. They may feel like you are transforming them or their path, or perhaps they feel as though you are currently in transformation – Death in the upright position can show they are accepting of this.
This card as how someone feels about you can also indicate that their feelings are in the process of changing right now. On a positive note, their feelings could be deepening for you; they may feel deeply devoted to you. On the more negative side, this card can reveal feelings that are ‘dying’ or waning. You’ll want to check surrounding cards and listen to your intuition.
Death (Reversed) as Feelings
Death Reversed is all about delayed endings, denial, resistance, repeated negative cycles, and stagnation. So when Death Reversed appears as feelings, it implies depression, desperation, and emptiness. Someone could be hiding or stuffing their sadness or anger. They may feel as though they are blocked from expressing or releasing their emotions. There could be intense, volatile mood swings or emotional outbursts due to repressing what they feel. This card can also bring up feelings of bitterness, fear, and resistance.
No matter how dark or uncertain things may feel right now, Death Reversed is a reminder that the way forward will present itself to you soon. Have faith! This reversal encourages you to accept your feelings, no matter how difficult, and embrace them. Actively working to face and purge the intense emotions you’re experiencing can bring about the incredible, cathartic change that is needed to move forward.
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