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A Matrix of Destiny or Destiny Matrix chart uses numbers to reflect your life’s purpose and the lessons you’re meant to learn.
Numbers in the Matrix of Destiny are different than your typical numbers in Numerology— Destiny Matrix numbers get their meaning from and are deeply connected to the 22 major arcana of the tarot.
The first step to reading your Matrix of Destiny is learning what the numbers or arcana mean.

What Are Destiny Matrix Numbers?
Each person has a unique set of numbers in their Matrix of Destiny.
These numbers can help you understand your natural talents, the challenges you face, and the different phases of life (there’s literally a number for every year!).
You can also learn about things like past life karma, the best kind of partner for you, your potential career paths and strengths—the list goes on.
Numbers in the Destiny Matrix are linked to the archetypes from the Tarot. Each number symbolizes something unique and can help guide where you naturally excel and where life may push you to grow.
Pay attention to these numbers. You’ll likely start to see recurring themes in your life.
You can use these numbers and their archetypal meanings to help you better understand your incarnation and where you might need to focus your energy.
How to Find Your Destiny Matrix Numbers
The numbers in your Matrix of Destiny are calculated from your birthdate.
You can grab your chart at destinymatrixchart.com or matrix-destiny.com (our favorite)—these will walk you through this calculation process step by step—all you need is your name and birthday!
Destiny Matrixes use a specific formula that breaks down the day, month, and year you were born into smaller, individual digits. These digits are reduced to key numbers that correspond to archetypes or major themes in your life, which make up your chart.
Destiny Matrix Number & Arcana Meanings
Arcana 1 — The Magician (I)
The number 1 in the Matrix of Destiny is connected to the Magician tarot card, representing new beginnings, independence, self-reliance, and leadership. People with this number are often pioneers, natural leaders, or initiators of new projects.
Traits: creative, driven, confident, ambitious
2 — The High Priestess (II)
Number 2 in the Destiny Matrix is about balance, partnership, intuition, and harmony.
Associated with the High Priestess tarot card, it signifies the ability to connect deeply with others on an intuitive level. People with this number are good at mediation, working in teams, and often have strong intuitive abilities.
Traits: sensitive, cooperative, diplomatic, intuitive
3 — The Empress (III)
Creativity and nurturing are at the heart of the number 3 in the Destiny Matrix. This number is connected to the Empress tarot card, radiating growth and abundance.
Number 3 usually manifests as raw artistic or expressive talents—people with this number are highly creative and enjoy bringing new ideas to life.
Traits: beauty, creativity, growth, sensuality
4 — The Emperor (IV)
Number 4 in the Destiny Matrix chart is signified by the Emperor tarot card and represents stability, structure, and responsibility.
This number shows order and a practical approach to life. Those with number 4 in their chart are super grounded and reliable, making them pillars of support for people.
You can usually find them in leadership roles that require discipline and organization.
Traits: practical, disciplined, organized, authoritative
5 — The Hierophant (V)
Connected with the Hierophant archetype, the number 5 in the Destiny Matrix is all about tradition, learning, and adaptability.
It represents a quest for knowledge and understanding, mentorship, or spiritual guidance.
People with this number are curious and open to change while respecting tradition.
Traits: knowledgeable, adaptable, inquisitive, spiritual
6 — The Lovers (VI)
Six in the Matrix of Destiny is associated with relationships, harmony, and choices.
It reflects the importance of love and connection in life.
People born with this number are usually focused on love and relationships, and seek to create harmony wherever they go. They make decisions from the heart.
Traits: harmonious, loving, compassionate, partnership-oriented
7 — The Chariot (VII)
In the Matrix of Destiny, the number 7 is associated with the Chariot tarot card, signifying determination, willpower, and triumph over obstacles.
It expresses the inner fortitude and the ability to overcome challenges through sheer perseverance.
People born with this number are goal-oriented and driven—they are extremely strong-willed and work tirelessly to achieve their goals, despite any challenges that get in their way.
Traits: determined, focused, goal-oriented, disciplined
8 — Strength (VIII)
Tied to the Strength tarot card, the number 8 in the Matrix of Destiny is linked to power, courage, and endurance.
Eight represents both physical and inner strength, as well as the ability to handle difficult situations with grace.
People with this number are very resilient and have a quiet confidence about them. They demonstrate great self-control and exceed in balancing compassion with power.
Traits: confident, courageous, resilient, compassionate
9 — The Hermit (IX)
In the Destiny Matrix, number 9 is connected to the Hermit tarot card.
Serving as a symbol of wisdom, introspection, and enlightenment, this number is about self-discovery and a deep desire for greater understanding.
People born with the energy of nine often seek out lots of solitude to reflect and gain insight; alone time is essential to their well-being.
They are perpetual seekers of truth, reflecting and gaining profound inner knowledge throughout their lives.
Traits: thoughtful, wise, introspective, spiritual
10 — The Wheel of Fortune (X)
Connected to the Wheel of Fortune tarot card, the number 10 in the Matrix of Destiny chart is an expression of change, cycles, and fate.
Ten speaks of the constant motion of life, where fortunes can shift unexpectedly.
People with ten energy are adaptable and resilient, marked by their innate ability to go with the flow of life.
It’s not uncommon for them to experience sudden shifts in their fortune or destiny within their lifetime.
Traits: adventurous, resilient, adaptable, optimistic
11 — Justice (XI)
The number 11 in the Matrix of Destiny chart is about fairness, truth, and accountability.
Tied to the Justice tarot card or 11th Major Arcana, it shows a strong internal sense of justice and the desire to ensure balance in all situations.
Those born with the number eleven like to make sure everyone and everything is treated equally and justly. They are honest, logical (sometimes to a fault), and focused on fairness.
Traits: honest, fair, logical, justice-seeking
12 — The Hanged Man (XII)
In the Destiny Matrix chart, the number 12 is connected to the Hanged Man tarot card, or the 12th Major Arcana.
It reflects patience, surrender, and seeing things from a new perspective.
Twelve shows the ability to wait or let go and gain a deeper understanding.
People with this number in their chart are incredibly reflective personalities and can easily see things from new angles.
Traits: patient, reflective, spiritually inclined, detached
13 — Death (XIII)
Number 13 in the Matrix of Destiny chart is associated with the 13th Major Arcana, or the Death tarot card.t
Transformation, endings, and new beginnings are all themes of this number.
Thirteen embodies the cycles of life; it understands where something must end for something new to emerge.
Those with the energy of 13 in the Destiny Matrix are highly skilled at handling change and even crises.
Various endings and new beginnings mark their reincarnation, often causing them to undergo multiple deep personal transformations.
Traits: fearless, transformative, accepting, adaptable
14 — Temperance (XIV)
Connected with the Temperance tarot card or the 14th Major Arcana, 14 in the Matrix of Destiny expresses balance, moderation, and healing.
Fourteen is about a calm, measured approach to life and the ability to bring balance to difficult situations.
People with this number are patient and understanding; they make excellent healers or mediators.
Traits: peaceful, balanced, diplomatic, patient
15 — The Devil (XV)
Number 15 in the Matrix of Destiny is tied to the Devil tarot card—meaning this number is related to power dynamics, shadow work, and confronting material desires.
The energy of fifteen is both temptation and the opportunity for personal empowerment.
People with this number in their chart usually face intense situations that push them to confront their shadow.
That being said, they can also be highly ambitious and relentless in the pursuit of their desires. When channeled properly, this can help propel them toward great heights of success and give them the resilience needed to overcome challenges.
Traits: intense, passionate, ambitious, grounded
16 — The Tower (XVI)
Number 16 in the Destiny Matrix chart is about sudden change, upheaval, and revelation.
As a reflection of the Tower tarot card, the energy of sixteen is a breaking down of the old to make way for the new.
People with this number can experience life-altering events but always emerge stronger and transformed.
They march to the beat of their own drum and don’t mind disrupting the status-quo.
Traits: disruptive, revolutionary, resilient, freeing
17 — The Star (XVII)
In the Matrix of Destiny, number 17 is an expression of hope, inspiration, and spiritual guidance.
This number represents a light at the end of the tunnel; it is faith and renewal during hard times.
People with this number in their chart are beacons of light, hope, and inspiration. They tend to be spiritual teachers, literal healers, or have very healing energy—others love to be around them because of this.
Even if they stay to themselves, they have a certain magnetic quality and can’t help but be noticed.
Traits: optimistic, visionary, compassionate, spiritual
18 — The Moon (XVIII)
The number 18 symbolizes intuition, mystery, and the subconscious.
With its connection to the Moon tarot card, eighteen reflects life’s hidden, shadowy aspects and the power of dreams, emotions, and psychic energy.
People with this number in their Destiny Matrix chart are deeply intuitive, empathetic, and connected to their inner world.
They may be a little secretive, reserved, or introverted, and tend to be drawn toward artistic or spiritual interests.
Traits: intuitive, mysterious, creative, emotionally driven
19 — The Sun (XIX)
In the Matrix of Destiny, number 19 is signified by the Sun tarot card, representing joy, success, and vitality.
The energy of nineteen is full of positivity, warmth, and clarity, bringing light to all situations.
Those born with this number in their chart are natural optimists who radiate happiness; they can’t help but lift the spirits of those around them!
They are also fearlessly true to themselves; authenticity is important to them. They can easily attract power and success.
Traits: warm, radiant, successful, confident
20 — Judgment (XX)
Number 20 is about reflection, rebirth, and answering an inner calling.
Associated with the Judgement tarot card, this number is an expression of taking personal responsibility and awakening to a higher purpose.
It’s not uncommon for people with the energy of number twenty in their Matrix of Destiny chart to undergo profound realizations and periods of drastic transformation and growth. Over time, this makes them highly spiritual and self-aware.
They are also driven by a sense of purpose; an “ordinary” life just won’t cut it.
21 — The World (XXI)
The number 21 in the Matrix of Destiny symbolizes completion, fulfillment, and achieving a sense of wholeness.
Connected to the World tarot card or 21st trump of the Major Arcana, number twenty-one is about the end of a journey and the feeling of accomplishment.
Those with this number in their chart are well-rounded and content with their achievements.
They may travel a lot and can be very cultured individuals. Similar to ten and nineteen, the energy of twenty-one tends to attract great success and luck throughout life.
Traits: fulfilled, accomplished, balanced, lucky
22 — The Fool (0/XXII)
The number 22 represents new beginnings, boundless potential, and taking leaps of faith.
Because of its association with the Fool tarot card, it signifies a fresh start and the courage to embrace the unknown.
People born with this number in their Destiny Matrix chart are infectiously curious, adventurous, and spontaneous; they are unafraid to take risks in pursuit of their dreams and have a gift for being able to start anew again and again.
Traits: adventurous, optimistic, free-spirited, curious
Key Takeaway
Matrix of Destiny charts are a tool for self-reflection.
Like astrology or tarot, they are great for learning about the patterns in our lives and pointing to our strengths and areas for growth.
Numbers in the Destiny Matrix Chart are important because they represent unique spiritual lessons and personal traits that influence our life path.
With a direct connection to Tarot archetypes, they highlight specific qualities, challenges, and strengths that guide our personal development.
Whether it’s leadership and independence (1), emotional balance (2), creativity (3), or transformation (13), these numbers reveal core aspects of our destiny. They can help us better understand our purpose, relationships, and potential.
That’s all for our beginner’s guide to number meanings in the Destiny Matrix! To learn more about the Matrix of Destiny, visit our Destiny Matrix archives, or learn about the Major Arcana cards to deepen your understanding of the archetypes behind these numbers.