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Justice Tarot Card Meaning
Justice Tarot card meaning – The Justice tarot card is the 11th (XI) card of the Major Arcana and represents adjustments, cause and effect, choice, cosmic balance, fairness, polarity, law, and truth.
The Justice card symbolizes the natural ‘laws’ that permeate our universe. These universal laws bring balance and order to the cosmos, but not always in the way of two things being equal or balancing one another out. Rather, the Justice card shows the natural balance brought about by the principle of cause and effect, or the natural flow of the universe.
As the 11th card of the tarot, Justice is strongly associated with the spiritual significance of the number 11. In numerology, eleven is considered a master number of psychic insight, intuition, spiritual wisdom, truth, natural intelligence, and karma. The Justice tarot card is also connected to the Air element, Libra Zodiac sign, and the planet Venus. Both Libra and Justice value harmony, equality, and balanced, objective advice.
This card carries subtle similarities of the Magician and the High Priestess. The figure in the Justice card sits between two pillars as the High Priestess does, however, the pillars are grey (instead of black and white) which represents wisdom. Just like the Magician, Justice holds one hand raised above and another pointed below, showing Justice’s link between the physical and spiritual realms. The scales symbolize the analyzation and weighing of matters, while the sword of justice is representative of clear judgment and the ‘cutting away’ of what is not necessary so one may remain in harmony.
The main meaning of the Justice tarot card is evaluation, moderation, and balance. Justice is the card of setting things right and dealing with karmic consequences, both positive and negative. Justice is all about equality and fairness, which brings to mind issues of morality and ethics. This card often comes up to represent legal proceedings and agreements, as well as when we need to pay attention to important details and not minimize or overlook anything.
Some questions the Justice tarot card invites you to ponder…
- Have you ever been in a situation where you felt wronged or unfairly treated? How did you respond? Did you seek justice, or did you let it go? What lessons did you learn from the experience?
- How do you make decisions in your life? Are you guided by a strong moral compass, or do you rely on more pragmatic considerations? Are you more concerned with fairness or with getting what you want?
- Reflect on the concept of karma. Do you believe that what goes around comes around? Do you think that people ultimately get what they deserve, or do you think that life is unpredictable and chaotic?
- What values and principles guide you? How can you ensure that your decisions are fair and just?
In this post, we’ll be going over Justice’s Upright and Reversed meanings, as well as Justice as a person (or significator), Justice as feelings, and Justice as a yes or no. Whether you are a seasoned tarot reader or just beginning to explore the world of divination, Justice offers valuable insights and guidance for navigating life’s challenges with wisdom, discernment, and inner peace.
Justice is truth in action.
– Benjamin Disraeli
Justice Keywords & Facts
Upright: | balance, judgment, law, truth, objectivity, fairness, choice, karma |
Reversed: | chaos, chauvinism, dishonesty, imbalance, inequality, injustice, prejudice |
Energy: | Yang |
Element: | Air |
Planet: | Venus |
Zodiac Sign: | Libra |
Yes or No: | Yes |
Don’t have time to read? Check out this helpful video for key meanings of the Justice Tarot card!
Justice Upright Meaning
In a tarot reading, the Justice card in the upright position typically represents fairness, balance, and accountability. It signifies that you are likely to experience a situation where your actions, decisions, or choices will be evaluated and judged based on your merits. The Justice card may also mean that you will need to make a decision that requires a fair and impartial approach.
The Justice card is associated with the concept of karma, suggesting that your past actions will have consequences that you will need to face in the present or future. You could be currently experiencing the effects of your past actions, either positive or negative.
In some cases, the Justice card can appear for a legal matter, such as a lawsuit or a dispute that demands a legal resolution. However, it can also refer to any situation where fairness, balance, and impartiality are needed, such as a negotiation, a relationship issue, or a decision involving multiple parties.
In general, the Justice card in an upright position is a reminder to act with integrity and fairness, and to consider the consequences of your actions before making a decision. It suggests that justice will prevail in the end, and that you will be held accountable for your actions.
Justice Reversed
The Justice tarot card in a reversed position suggests a lack of balance, fairness, and accountability. It may reveal situations where there is dishonesty or deceit, legal issues that are not being resolved fairly, or a lack of ownership of one’s actions.
This reversal advises you to address any situation where you have been treated unjustly and work to seek a resolution in a fair and just manner. It may also be helpful to reflect on your own values and ensure they are being upheld in all aspects of your life.
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Justice as a Person
The Justice tarot card describes someone who is highly intelligent, compassionate, and grounded. This card can come up for a person who practices law such as a judge, lawyer, or advocate. It can even show an important or authoritative figure in your life who has a major influence over you or your life.
When the Justice tarot represents a person in a tarot reading, they are objective, serious, and extremely independent. These people think for themselves and will apply reason in all things they do. Justice signifies a great diplomat. They are able to analyze and understand all sides of a situation in order to achieve the most balanced decision.
Justice people are levelheaded and have a good balance between head and heart. You’ll likely never find them making decisions based solely on emotions – they prefer logic and facts. They will demand respect everywhere they go. They can be extremely helpful and generous, however, if you cross them, watch out! These people don’t forgive and forget if you haven’t earned it. Similar to the King or Queen of Swords, their judgments can be exacting and painfully blunt at times. You’ll be able to recognize Justice as a person by their honest words, composed disposition, and analytical thinking. They are reliable, sincere friends and lovers.
Justice as Feelings
When it comes to emotions, the Justice tarot card can show feelings of respect, compassion, admiration, and devotion. This card may also indicate that someone is currently processing their emotions through their rational mind or allowing their feelings to develop. They could feel reserved, cautious, and even protective to avoid getting hurt or making a mistake.
Though this person could still hold incredible compassion and empathy for others, Justice shows that their emotions will still be filtered through strict logic and analysis in order to remain balanced. This card can come up when someone doesn’t want to be swayed by fleeting experiences or feelings – they want to stay emotionally grounded and down-to-earth.
If Justice appears as how someone feels about you romantically, it could indicate that they value honesty, transparency, and fairness in your relationship. They may be attracted to your sense of justice and your ability to make decisions that are fair and impartial. They may see you as someone who is trustworthy and who acts with integrity, which is an attractive quality to them.
Justice (Reversed) as Feelings
Justice Reversed often emerges when there is bitterness, emotional imbalance, feelings of criticism, insecurity, or instability. You or someone else could be feeling out of balance and may even be judging your feelings rather than processing them in a healthy way. There could even be feelings of uncertainty, rejection, or inability to cope.
In a love reading, it can show that someone may have feelings of unfairness, imbalance, or deception in the relationship. They might feel that the relationship is not equitable or that their partner is not treating them fairly. There may also be feelings of suspicion or that there is a lack of honesty or trust in the relationship. Romantically, they could be feeling frustrated, resentful, or disappointed.
As for how someone feels about you, the Justice card can reveal that they have negative feelings or perceptions about you. This person may feel that you are not treating them fairly or that you are being dishonest with them. They may be feeling distrustful, resentful, or angry toward you.
Justice: Yes or No
As a Yes or No, the Justice tarot card almost always signifies a ‘yes‘.
Justice is all about making fair decisions and analyzing results. When asking a yes or no question, the appearance of Justice is a positive answer that is confirmation of a definite “yes” to your query. Whether you’re asking about something trivial or a complicated matter, this card can reassure you that you’re on the right path.
That being said, Justice also asks you to reflect on your reasoning behind the choice you desire to make. Ask yourself why should you do (or not do) something. What kind of impact will it have on you or someone else? By pondering these questions, Justice says you will arrive at the answer you’re looking for.
Justice (Reversed): Yes or No
In a yes or no reading, the Justice card reversed represents a “no” answer. This is because, in reverse, the Justice card suggests unfairness, imbalance, and dishonesty. It could mean that you or someone involved in the situation is not acting with integrity or that there is an injustice happening.
When the Justice card is reversed, it may also point to a delay or a lack of resolution in a legal matter or a dispute. Its appearance in your yes or no reading can mean that the outcome will not be in your favor, or that you will not receive the justice you are seeking.
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