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Page of Pentacles Tarot Card
Belonging to the Suit of Pentacles of the Minor Arcana, the Page of Pentacles tarot card represents ambition, focus, financial potential, learning, loyalty, and skill development.
The Page of Pentacles is a card of hard work and persistence, but also of recognition and reward. As the Earth of Earth court card in the tarot, the Page of Pentacles is the initial foundation upon which we might build all of our ideas and endeavors. It is the small seedling, who, at first may not seem like much, yet from it, big things grow.
Some questions the Page of Pentacles invites you to ponder…
- What piques your curiosity right now? How open are you to learning new things?
- What new ideas do you want to pursue? What projects do you want to start?
- What practical steps can you take to begin working towards a certain goal?
- How can you remain committed yet flexible?
In this post, we’ll be going over the Page of Pentacles’ Upright and Reversed meanings, as well as the Page of Pentacles as a person (or significator), the Page of Pentacles as feelings, and the Page of Pentacles as a yes or no.
Page of Pentacles Keywords
Upright: | aptitude, ambition, focus, financial potential, hard work, organization, reliability, learning, loyalty, skill growth |
Reversed: | inexperience, unreliability, underachievement, laziness, procrastination, squandered opportunities, delayed/failed projects |
Elemental: | Earth of Earth |
Zodiac Sign: | Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) |
Number: | 7 (flexibility, knowledge, logic) |
Yes or No: | Yes |
Don’t have time to read? Check out this helpful video for key meanings of the Page of Pentacles Tarot card!
Page of Pentacles (Upright)
The Page of Pentacles tarot card represents the student mindset. It’s about seeking new knowledge and abilities, especially those that are useful and practical. Being present in the moment. Believing in a project, plan, or process. Establishing a new regimen, whether it be for studying, eating, exercising, or improving one’s health or the home.
This card can also show planning and the implementation of a plan or project. It reveals sufficiency, the beginning of a season, or the beginning of a lengthy, successful project. It can also represent financial news or data, as well as gratitude for your possessions.
In general, the upright Page of Pentacles is a card of work, diligence, patience, and resourcefulness, so it tends to show up when you’re learning new skills or when you’re trying to get better at something. When you receive this card, it can be a sign that it’s time to start taking (practical) action.
In the tarot, pages are like the students of the court cards. Being of the Earth suit, the Page of Pentacles is about working hard for the things you want in life. It’s about taking responsibility for your actions and knowing that if you don’t put in the time and effort to get what you want out of life, no one else will do it for you. It might not be easy, but it’s worth it!
The Page of Pentacles is a sign to investigate. Learn. Explore. Initiate. Believe in your senses. Cultivate healthy habits and practices. Get to work. Prepare. Ensure you have everything you require. Use the resources you have available. Be willing to share or consider financial thoughts or facts. Create a budget and follow it. Spend time with people who are young or have youth in them. Take time to enjoy what is in front of you. Practice staying in the present moment. Enjoy the process.
The advice of the Page of Pentacles card is to take a moment to pause and reflect on what you have been doing so that you can make sure you are staying true to your goals and values. It’s also a time to look ahead at what’s coming up next since it’s likely that there are some major changes on the horizon if you stay committed and persistent. The key is to stay grounded and focused.
Page of Pentacles (Reversed)
The Page of Pentacles reversed shows defiance, recklessness, and financial irresponsibility. It is apathy, laziness, and lack of planning. Being undervalued. Actual or perceived lack. Not having fun or a loss of motivation at work. Mistreatment or a slight injustice may be taking place (e.g. someone forgetting to pay you back). Loss. It can also signify minor health ailments or financial setbacks.
This reversal can point ti being stuck or limited in some way, perhaps financially or professionally. Its appearance in your reading can also be an indication that you may be struggling with trust issues, or that your hard work isn’t paying off the way you had planned.
Have you become disorganized? The reversed Page of Pentacles says that if you see that your focus has decreased, it could be time to figure out what’s going on and try to restart. Or you might wish to cancel your plans altogether, depending on the circumstances. This could just be a time for a pause or a break.
If needed, it might be a good idea to seek out the help of a mentor or tutor – get assistance with your academics or financials, and you might be able to change the course of events. The Page of Pentacles in reverse also advises you to hold onto your assets, particularly your money. Be thrifty. It might be a good idea to say no now if someone is asking for a favor or money; practice healthy boundaries around your finances.
Take extra care with your possessions. You could put things off because you want to be perfect – give up worrying about the specifics and take action instead!
(tarot decks are hyperlinked to each photo throughout this post; we may earn a commission should you purchase a deck.)
Page of Pentacles as a Person
A person represented by the Page of Pentacles is grounded and responsible – they have a knack for business and making things happen. They value security and stability above all else, and they will do whatever it takes to achieve those things. Industrious and motivated, this is someone who is determined to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed. They are always ready to take on new challenges, and they enjoy learning from their mistakes.
Page of Pentalces people are pragmatic, but they are also highly artistic, creative, and inventive. They get very excited about their latest project, whatever it may be, whether it’s a book, a garden, or an outfit they’ve made from scratch out of old clothes from their closet. They’ll show you all the details with great pride – where they got the materials from, how hard it was to figure out how to get everything just right, how long it took them to make this thing happen exactly as they envisioned it in their mind’s eye…
While they may seem shy at first, the Page of Pentacles loves sharing their knowledge and passion for their interests (which often span many subjects) with others. They love to learn and they’re also very generous with their time, so if you ask them for help or advice, they’ll give it freely.
Page of Pentacles (Reversed) as a Person
The reversed Page of Pentacles is a sign of timidity and insecurity. This reversal can indicate someone who lacks confidence in themselves, is overly cautious, and is afraid to take risks. They may struggle with a fearful and lack-based mindset, and as a result, they might also perceive that they don’t have “enough” or that they don’t deserve what they do have.
On the other hand, the Page of Pentacles in reverse can show a person with a keen eye for detail. They have a reputation for being meticulous and exacting, but they also have a penchant for overthinking things — and that can lead to unnecessary stress or mistakes. This person may be very concerned with their appearance and how other people perceive them.
This reversal can also come up someone who is trying to use their good looks or their knowledge to get ahead in life without putting in the work that’s necessary for success. They may spend too much time daydreaming instead of doing meaningful work. If they aren’t careful, this person’s procrastination could hold them back from achieving their goals in life.
Page of Pentacles as Feelings
When inquiring about how someone feels for you, the Page of Pentacles indicates that they are feeling devoted and loyal to you. This person is determined and ambitious – they are prepared to put in the necessary effort to carry out their objectives for your partnership, and they may be willing to risk everything for you. This card is a strong indication of respect and trust (which may be actively deepening). It can show growing feelings and curiosity about you.
For the most part, the Page of Pentacles denotes sentiments of focus, strength, and assurance. Even though this person may occasionally come across as reserved or pensive, they have good intentions and affection for you.
Associated with helpfulness and generosity, the Page of Pentacles can also mean that this person may feel like they want to give things to you without expecting anything in return. This can be something as simple as offering a ride when you need it, or it could be something more complicated like helping out financially if they have the means. They desire to help you or share their things with you.
Page of Pentacles (Reversed) as Feelings
Reversed, the Page of Pentacles indicates feelings of apathy, insecurity, or a lack of dedication or focus. It may mean that the person you’re asking about is finding it difficult to concentrate on long-term objectives since they are easily distracted right now – this can just be a passing phase, or it might be a sign of deeper problems in your relationship.
In a love reading, it’s possible with this reversal that one or both partners may feel that the relationship is growing stale and routine, and it might be causing them to feel bored and frustrated. The Page of Pentacles reversed can also indicate that you or your partner is feeling underappreciated, disrespected, or taken for granted.
Alternatively, when this card shows up reversed, it might mean that your feelings are clouding your judgment and making it difficult for you to make sound decisions (particularly financial decisions). It can also reveal that you’re spending too much time thinking about other people’s feelings rather than focusing on your own needs.
Page of Pentacles: Yes or No
The Page of Pentacles is a card that represents new beginnings. It’s a sign that you’re on the right path and moving forward in the right direction, so when it appears in your yes or no reading, it almost always means a “yes“!
If you get the Page of Pentacles as a yes or no, it might mean a “yes”, but you’re going to have to be patient and wait for the right moment. You shouldn’t rush into anything. This card is about building things — literally and figuratively.
It’s about taking action and making decisions, but it’s also about creating something from nothing. What are your goals? What do you want to accomplish? How can you make those things happen now?
If you’re feeling stuck or like things aren’t working out for you, then this card might be telling you to take some time to reflect on what’s really important so that you can make choices that will help bring your goals into reality.
Page of Pentacles (Reversed): Yes or No
In a yes or no reading, the Page of Pentacles Reversed can be either a “yes” or a “no“, depending on the context.
Sometimes, the reversed Page of Pentacles indicates a “no”. It might mean that you need to pause and re-evaluate things. You are not currently ready to move forward with your plans – you should take a step back and assess what needs to be done before you can proceed.
Alternatively, the Page of Pentacles Reversed can be a “yes” card. It may mean that your current situation isn’t what you want it to be, but there’s still a chance for you to create something better. You need to be patient and wait for the right moment to make your move.
That’s all for the Page of Pentacles tarot card meanings! To learn more about the Tarot, check out our Tarot Guide for Beginners, or explore the meanings of the rest of the cards!
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