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Page of Swords Tarot Card
Belonging to the Suit of Swords of the Minor Arcana, the Page of Swords tarot card represents a “beginner’s mindset”. This card is immensely curious, witty, adaptable, and communicative. The Page of Swords is an avid learner full of inspiration, new ideas, vigilance, and mental agility.
As the Earthy aspect of Air, the Page of Swords depicts the development of thoughts into a well-thought-out plan or a concrete reality.
While the Page of Cups materializes creative, heart-centered endeavors, the Page of Swords transforms mental ideas, innovations, and concepts into the physical world.
It is the mind’s ability to organize and give nebulous or undefined ideas structure and substance. As soon as you express a project you intend to take on, the Page of Swords will begin crafting plans and strategies, envisioning it in their mind and calculating every possible construction and functionality.
At its core, this card is all about one’s capacity to control the mind, concentrate on a certain objective, and steer it in the direction of a tangible outcome.
Some questions the Page of Swords invites you to ponder…
- How receptive are you to different perspectives in the world? How open are you to new ways or methods of doing things?
- What mentally inspires or intrigues you? What stimulates your natural curiosity?
- How do you verbally express or defend yourself in times of challenge or conflict?
In this post, we’ll be going over the Page of Swords’ Upright and Reversed meanings, as well as the Page of Swords as a person (or significator) and the Page of Swords as feelings.
Sometimes awareness of a card’s place in the Tarot and your intuition can be all that’s needed to interpret its message, however, understanding the traditional meanings of the Upright/Reversed Page of Swords card, as well as its emotional and personal elements, will help equip you with deeper insight and more comprehensive, perceptive readings. Let’s get started!
Page of Swords Keywords
Upright↑: | curiosity, wit, learning, communication, inspiration, new ideas, vigilance, mental agility, youth, beginner’s mindset |
Reversed↓: | all-talk-no-action, disorganization, blocked communication, cynicism, gossip, failed plans, disrespectful or harsh speech |
Elemental: | Earth of Air |
Zodiac Sign: | Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) |
Number: | 7 (analysis, introspection, perception) |
Timing: | ↑ ~13 days / ↓ ~19 days; Sept. 12-Oct. 12 |
Don’t have time to read? Check out this helpful video for key meanings of the Page of Swords Tarot card!
Page of Swords Upright Meaning & Advice
Page of Swords Upright Meanings – Advocating on your own behalf or for a cause. Actively debating your beliefs and standing up for them. Keeping your head above the clouds. Passion about a particular idea. Brilliant thoughts, ideas, and bubbling inspiration. Moments of genius. Being prepared to defend oneself, another, or a plan. Negotiating through obstacles and conflict. Might signify the start of a project, particularly a scholarly endeavor, especially one involving logic or math, which is more intellectual than emotional. Beginning to critically consider something.
The advice of the Page of Swords is to stand up for yourself. Combat any irritability. Don’t succumb to anxiety or dread. Even in the face of opposition, hold fast to your convictions.
Start your study or writing assignment. Analyze a suggestion logically. Ask questions. Seek out the facts in a matter. Keep your emotions under control. Maintain mental clarity. Be on your guard! Circumstances may call for vigilance. If necessary, be prepared to strike.
Now is a good opportunity to act on any ideas you have been accumulating, so start the work and watch what unfolds for you! You might need to pause or examine a situation from a different perspective. Be curious in your approach. Be alert with your ears and eyes. Your effectiveness will increase with your knowledge.
Page of Swords Reversed Meaning & Advice
Page of Swords Reversed Meaning – Allowing one’s emotions to take over. Self-doubt. Getting lost. Lacking clarity or precision. Small errors, particularly in writing, research, and mathematics. Sloppy attention to detail. Disorganization. Poor planning or absence of foresight. Naivety. Minor conflicts, delays, or blocks in communication. Narrow-mindedness. Obsession. Apathy, disinterest, or indifference. Being overly defensive or critical. It’s also possible with the Page of Swords Reversed that a young person—especially one who is acting inexplicably childish or immature—is attacking you.
The advice of the Page of Swords Reversed is to withdraw. Cast aside your weapon (aka your idea or perspective) and let down your defenses a bit. Take a step back from the scene. Hold back until you are more certain. There may be times when you have to accept that someone won’t or is unable to hear you.
Expect a few small blunders. It could be necessary to sever relations with someone or something. You might have to admit that right now, you lack clarity. Avoid acting on impulse – now is not a good time to act hastily. Plan things through carefully. Check the details twice. You might not yet know the solutions. Wait to act until you have more time to evaluate the situation. Be careful how you use your words. Before you talk, pause. Disengage from an argument or conflict.
(tarot decks are hyperlinked to each photo throughout this post; we may earn a commission should you purchase a deck.)
Page of Swords as a Person
Exceptionally innovative, the Page of Swords person is a perpetual inventor, constantly coming up with new devices, societal and political systems, or strategies to grow and improve.
Because they possess excellent organizational skills, they are usually eager to take the lead in a team that requires consistency or structure in its plans. For example, let’s say you want to take a road trip – the Page of Swords will arrange for the car rental, design a route that includes fuel stops and rest breaks, and ensure that everyone arrives at the appropriate location and time.
Their analytical, calculative mind often has moments of true genius. They are the one you want to have by your side when facing challenges, especially those of a mental nature. They will defend you and are capable of dishing out some serious debate skills! Knowledgeable and prepared for just about anything, this person is fantastic at breaking things down and thinking through every possible scenario.
They can be highly energetic, inquisitive, and very altruistic. At times, their open mind and childlike curiosity mislead people into thinking they are ignorant or naive, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. The Page of Swords individual is deeply intelligent, perceptive, and aware.
Incredibly autonomous and requiring continual movement, the worst thing you can do is try to suppress a Page of Swords person. They are free-thinkers who value authenticity, individuality, and personal freedom, and they require the flexibility to express themselves in their own special way. They can’t stand being put in a box and tend to stay away from labels. They might be unique to the point of being bizarre and eccentric, yet in a wonderful way. They are excellent storytellers and have a propensity for drama.
Because the Page of Swords belongs to the Air elemental of the Minor Arcana, it may come up in a reading to represent a youthful Air sign (Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius) in your life, or someone who has prominent Air and Earth influences in their astrological natal chart.
Page of Swords (Reversed) as a Person
Reversed, the Page of Swords tarot card represents an individual who has the tendency to lie, gossip, and spread false rumors.
This reversal can represent someone who speaks inappropriately or criticizes others harshly. Their words are abrasive and hurtful. They don’t keep pledges or secrets, and may even be involved in unfavorable legal matters.
The Page of Swords Reversed can also show someone who is currently lost or seeking meaning in life. They may struggle to fit in and are frustrated by how frequently they are overlooked or dismissed as unimportant. They yearn for someone to come in and save them from all of their issues. They must understand that they do not have to stay a victim.
The Reversed Page of Swords person has a tendency to inflate their own significance and are lured to harmful social groups and extremely antisocial behavior. Their beliefs, ideals, or stances are frequently rather radical. They might need to work on developing their empathy or kindness towards others.
A more sinister interpretation of this card may be someone who stalks or spies on others for their own malicious or selfish reasons. They may be quite obsessive and relentless.
Alternatively, the Page of Swords Reversed as a person can signify someone that possesses all of the great qualities of the upright Page of Swords, yet they internalize it or keep it hidden from others for some reason. They may be painfully shy, introverted, or socially anxious.
Page of Swords as Feelings
The emotions represented by the Page of Swords are those of curiosity and a yearning for knowledge. When you inquire about another person’s feelings for you, the Page of Swords can indicate that they are eager to learn all there is to know about you!
When you ask someone how they feel about you, this card is a sure indicator that they feel mentally linked to you. They love your cleverness and sense of humor. There is a genuine convergence of ideas here, and communication between you feels effortless. Your fresh views and ideas keep them energized and enthused.
Alternatively, the Page of Swords can suggest that the person in question is rationalizing their sentiments about you. They could be coming up with strategies to keep their emotions at bay and possibly deny or withhold their true feelings for you out of caution. They are interested in you but also a bit guarded with their heart. They might need to learn to feel more at ease being emotionally vulnerable. That being said, the Page of Swords is tremendously motivated and prepared to act, so they will advance with assurance when they feel ready.
Page of Swords (Reversed) as Feelings
As feelings, the Page of Swords Reversed indicates that the reader is on the defense and feeling confrontational or argumentative.
The person you are asking about could be emotionally cold and overly rational or detached. They feel that they have the desire to “win” or be “right”, even if doing so means hurting other people’s feelings in the process. They lack emotional intelligence and empathy for others.
This person can feel frustrated as well. At the moment, they believe that you two are not communicating well. They may feel misunderstood or unheard by you or another person. If you’re in a relationship with this person, it may frequently feel as though you are speaking over one another or arguing in confusing circles. The Page of Swords Reversed reveals they are feeling a lot of strain as a result of this dynamic.
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