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Positive affirmations of self-love can completely change your life. From reminding you of your worth to improving your self-esteem and building self-confidence, self-love affirmations carry the power to drastically transform + upgrade your life and well-being.
If you’ve been struggling to love yourself due to low self-esteem, self-worth, or self-confidence, you aren’t alone! According to research, around 85% of Americans suffer from low self-esteem. [1]https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/self-esteem/signs-of-low-self-esteem-and-what-to-do-about-it/ A long-term lack of love for self resulting in low self-esteem can lead a number of issues, including anxiety, depression, poor boundaries, and dissatisfaction with life. [2]https://www.verywellmind.com/signs-of-low-self-esteem-5185978
Oftentimes, low levels of self-love, self-esteem, worth, and confidence result from various traumas and false-conditioning. Self-love can feel unnatural when we’ve learned to do just the opposite. Thankfully, our brains are powerful and our neural pathways are not set in stone – you can train and heal your mind, especially through regular use of self-affirmations.
Just like you would exercise or lift weights to tone and build physical muscle, positive affirmations are like a workout for your mind-muscles. By using affirmations, you can better practice self-love as you boost your confidence levels, leading to strong self-esteem and a healthy sense of self-worth.
In this post, you’ll learn about self-love, what affirmations are + how they work, how to use affirmations, and 101 powerful, life-changing affirmations for self-love to remember your worth, improve your self-esteem, and build self-confidence.
What is Self Love?
To have self-love means that you “accept yourself fully, treat yourself with kindness and respect, and nurture your growth and wellbeing.” [3]https://psychcentral.com/blog/imperfect/2019/05/what-is-self-love-and-why-is-it-so-important#What-is-self-love? Self-love is the embodiment and practice of nourishing your wellbeing and happiness. It is understanding the importance of your value, your worth, your desires + needs, and prioritizing them in your life.
But isn’t that selfish? The answer is – absolutely not! Many come to believe that self-love is equivalent to selfishness or being conceited. This simply isn’t true, however. Having a healthy love for yourself leads to a healthy ego, which is crucial for your overall wellbeing and how you experience life itself.
Healthy self-love creates space for independence, strong self-esteem, personal boundaries, presence, and freedom from the trap of people-pleasing and dimming your authenticity.
And when we start showing up for ourselves, we can better show up for those we love. As the old saying goes, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Self-love is making sure your cup is filled (because you matter too, just as much as anyone else!).
There is no black-and-white way to start practicing self-love. Loving yourself looks different to different people. Find your medicine, and use it! Here are some powerful ways you can start your self-love journey today:
- quality rest and self-care
- standing up for your needs/desires
- positive self-talk (affirmations are a great way to start!)
- setting healthy boundaries
- honoring your sacred yes’s and sacred no’s
- trusting your intuition/gut instincts
- celebrating your successes
- forgiving yourself for mistakes
- allowing yourself time to grieve/heal
- allowing yourself to have fun + enjoy yourself
What are Affirmations?
An affirmation is a positive statement to help you reprogram your mind and overcome limiting, negative, or self-sabotaging thoughts. Affirmations are often repeated to help raise your vibration and create new neural pathways in the brain, resulting in healed + fresh thought beliefs.
Basically, an affirmation is a statement that helps you to live in alignment with abundance instead of lack. Our thoughts and beliefs greatly shape our reality and the way we experience life, so affirmations are also extremely useful in manifesting your dreams and goals. [4]https://www.thelawofattraction.com/positive-daily-affirmations/
When you repeat an affirmation, it has the power to affect your conscious and subconscious mind. Even when your conscious mind doesn’t feel like the affirmation is helping right away, your subconscious mind and body are still taking it all in! Eventually, with consistency, the repetition of the affirmations trains the brain to accept what you’re repeating.
Affirmations are like a workout or exercise for your brain. Just as physical exercise improves the health and well-being of your body, affirmations help to enhance, heal, and strengthen your mind.
Over time, repeating affirmations (especially daily affirmations) rewrites old neural pathways and reprograms your brain, helping you to transform the way you think and act.
How do affirmations work?
Scientific evidence suggests that affirmations work by creating new neural pathways in your brain. This process may take anywhere from 28 to 70 days to “work” so the effects of the affirmations last. [5]https://www.coaching-online.org/how-long-does-it-take-for-affirmations-to-work/ However, you can enjoy the benefits of self-affirmations the moment you decide to use them. For longer-lasting change and the greatest healing impact, aim to use your affirmations daily for at least 30 days.
The benefits of affirmations are countless! Research suggests that self-affirmation can help you to perform better in work, calm your nerves, increase your confidence, improve your chances of success, and mitigate the effects of stress. Affirmations have even been used to successfully treat people struggling with low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions.
5 Proven Scientific Benefits of Affirmations
- Decreases health-deteriorating stress, depression, and anxiety
- Can increase physical activity levels and improve physical wellbeing
- Aids in coping with everyday challenges; helps to perceive “threats” with less resistance and a greater sense of calm + control
- Helps to boost performance in work and academics
- Increases feelings of hopefulness
How to Use Positive Affirmations
The mind is everything. What you think, you become. By consciously wielding the power of your thoughts and words, you can use affirmations anywhere in your life where you would like to create positive change. When you learn how to use affirmations, you can:
- raise your confidence in important situations
- improve your self-esteem & self-worth
- overcome negative habits
- release fears or anxieties
- increase your productivity
- setting/manifesting your personal dreams & goals
For the quickest and most effective results, it helps to use or repeat your affirmations to yourself on a regular basis. This can be as often as several times a day or every morning/night.
It’s also important to actively reframe your thoughts and repeat your affirmations when a negative thought or behavior that you want to overcome pops up. This will help ensure that your brain creates new, healthy neural pathways so the effects of your affirmations last.
Affirmations are like a superpower you can use to completely change your life! And when you combine them with other techniques such as consciously setting intentions, visualization, or affirmation music, they are even more effective. Supercharge your affirmation routine with these 4 simple tips to achieve the full magic of affirmative statements in your daily life:
Try Affirmations with a Mirror
Using a mirror is a powerful way to work with self-love affirmations. The process is super easy – all you have to do is stand in front of a mirror and repeat your affirmations! It also helps to smile at yourself in the mirror before & after you say your self-love affirmations – this helps trigger your brain’s mirror neurons and increases feelings of happiness, well-being, and positivity. [6]https://science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-the-mind/emotions/smiling-happy.htm
Add mirror work with your affirmations to your morning routine and you will start to see results!
Listen to Affirmation Music
Affirmation music is an amazing way to implement self-love affirmations into your life. This genre of music has been growing popular due to its uplifting, healing effects.
You can listen to affirmations anytime you would listen to music – as you get ready in the mornings, on the way to work, while you run errands, and the list goes on! Even if you aren’t repeating the affirmations out loud to yourself, simply listening to affirmation music can help encourage positive thinking and ward off any negative thoughts + energy. Check out our Spotify playlist of positive affirmations here.
Set Yourself Reminders
Another way to start incorporating affirmations into your daily routine is to set reminders for yourself. You could try setting alarms on your phone or in your calendar that go off every day or leave yourself sticky notes around the house to remind yourself to repeat your affirmations. Consistency is key when using affirmations to reap all the benefits, so setting yourself reminders can help you stay on track!
Reprogram While You Sleep
One of the easiest and best ways to start using affirmations is while you sleep. This is because the first moments of waking up and falling asleep are when your subconscious mind is the most receptive to new thoughts and beliefs – making listening to positive affirmations of self-love while you sleep an incredibly powerful, practical way to reprogram your mind.
Simply record yourself repeating your selected self-love affirmations or use a premade affirmations track to listen to as you sleep. This will plant roots of love + healing thoughts into your subconscious, eventually blooming into your waking, conscious mind.
⌇ The Best Sleep Affirmations
Jessica Heslop, or Manifest by Jess, is a phenomenal YouTuber who has created hundreds of affirmation videos that you can listen to while you sleep, from self-love to wealth, health, and overall abundance! Many of her affirmations are in a “You are” instead of the usual “I am” format, which can be especially helpful for those struggling with the I am affirmations.
101 Positive Self-Love Affirmations
Below are 101 of some of the best positive affirmations of self-love. You’ll find them broken down into 5 categories:
- Daily Self-Love Affirmations
- Self-Love & Acceptance
- Self-Love & Healing
- Self-Love & Confidence
- Spiritual Self-Love Affirmations
Feel free to read through all of them or choose the ones you feel are calling to your heart the most, and build from there! Try to repeat them daily, or multiple times a day if you’re able.
Remember, affirmations aren’t a one-time, fix-all – the healing, growth, and power of self-love affirmations come with consistency – it’s all a work in progress! Naturally, life will always be refining you, encouraging you to practice self-love. There is no actual true end goal to using self-love affirmations, only continuous growth.
Quick Note:
It’s important to remember that love (including self-love) is the highest vibration on the scale. Oftentimes when we start using affirmations, we may be in the lower vibrations of common feelings such as unworthiness, shame, sadness, or anxiety. It can take some time, effort, and patience to work your way back up to the higher frequencies of love and to actually feel comfortable with it. You may not believe or “feel” these affirmations as you initially read them, and that’s okay!
Repetition will eventually help with this. Focusing on affirmations of healing and acceptance can be a great place to begin. Also, you can try starting with the affirmations you already believe or want most in your life and work your way up from there!
All of that being said, follow your intuition and go with what feels best for you right now. You may feel drawn toward certain affirmations one day, and the next day you may find that you feel differently and want to focus on different affirmations. Do what feels best for you!
May these self-love affirmations bring you nothing short of happiness, health, and healing. ♡
Daily Self-Love Affirmations
- I am growing and learning every single day.
- I am creating a life I love, bit by bit.
- I am capable of doing hard things.
- I am full of potential and have so much to offer the world!
- I trust myself to learn from any mistakes that I might make.
- I have amazing strength within me.
- I radiate positivity and inner peace.
- I love and respect myself.
- I trust in my abilities.
- I am surrounded by love and prosperity.
- I am deeply loved and supported by the Universe.
- I respect and take good care of myself.
- I am proud to be me.
- I choose happiness, health, and joy.
- I am in control of my thoughts, feelings, and choices.
- I live my life authentically and honestly.
- I express myself freely.
- I love my body and all that it does for me.
- I deserve all that is good.
- Everything in my life is working out best-case scenario.
Affirmations for Self-Love & Acceptance
- I consciously release the past and live only in the present.
- I am exactly where I need to be.
- I am gentle, kind, and patient with myself.
- I forgive myself and others.
- Every day I appreciate myself more and more.
- I am creating a beautiful life.
- I choose to be grateful for all that I have.
- I am quickly becoming more relaxed and positive every day.
- I surrender all fears, doubts, guilt, and anger and replace them with love, healing, and forgiveness.
- I am safe in the present moment.
- I give myself the care, attention, and respect I deserve.
- I deserve to feel good; I am worthy.
- I love myself unconditionally.
- I am doing the best I can with the tools available to me.
- I value my effort as much as my results.
- I am allowed to be bold and take up space.
- I embody love and strength every day.
- I trust in the divine timing of the Universe.
- The circumstances that surround me are helping me to evolve & grow.
- I love the person I’m becoming.
Affirmations for Self-Love & Healing
- My time and energy are precious.
- I set healthy, loving boundaries for myself.
- I am receptive to opportunities.
- The Universe supports me in every way.
- I am healing more and more every day.
- I am a valuable and important person.
- I am kind and loving towards myself.
- I am healing and becoming the person I want to be.
- I am open to loving my body and seeing it for all of its beauty.
- I am free from the past and open to new and wonderful changes.
- I am free to be me.
- Every moment is a wonderful opportunity to become more of who I am.
- My possibilities are endless.
- I am empowered and unstoppable.
- My thoughts, opinions, and beliefs are my own.
- I am safe, protected, and loved.
- My strength comes from within.
- I choose happiness and happiness chooses me.
- I know who I am and I am owning it.
- I make empowered choices that benefit my highest good.
Affirmations for Self-Love & Confidence
- I am a happy and confident individual.
- I am naturally confident when talking to others.
- I can achieve anything I put my mind to.
- I vibrate at a high frequency and attract like-minded people into my life.
- I am wildly capable and attract massive amounts of happiness.
- I am tuned into positivity and prosperity.
- My life is overflowing with opportunities for growth.
- I am excited about everything and attract the right opportunities my way.
- I invest in myself; my success is inevitable.
- I take my health seriously and treat my body with respect.
- I am a powerful manifesting goddess!
- I release all fear and welcome change.
- It is safe for me to be powerful.
- I am rich in all areas of my life.
- Everything is always working out for me!
- I matter. I am worthy. I am valuable.
- My confidence is constantly increasing.
- I am confident and self-assured at all times.
- I am worthy of having everything I desire.
- I am successful at everything I do.
Spiritual Self-Love Affirmations
- I am thankful for all of my blessings.
- I am compassionate and understanding with myself and others.
- I am attracting people and experiences that reflect my highest good.
- I am divinely blessed every day in all that I do.
- All of my creations fill me with divine energy and vitality.
- I am deeply loved and supported by higher realms.
- I am protected at all times.
- I safely express my inner, authentic being.
- I am safe and supported in the present moment.
- I vibrate powerful, abundant, peaceful energy and attract this same energy in return.
- I am in charge of my own energy; I choose how I feel in every moment.
- I trust the Universe will give me exactly what my spirit needs to achieve my highest and best self.
- I am manifesting the life I desire.
- My life is unfolding perfectly as I navigate to my highest and best self.
- I am the engine that drives all of my dreams into reality.
- My high vibrational frequency keeps me in alignment with my highest self.
- I no longer carry people’s judgment in my energetic space.
- I trust that all of my intentions will align with me at the perfect time.
- I am the motivation and support I need.
- I allow myself to receive my deepest desires.
- All of the good vibrations I project into the Universe return to me tenfold.
That’s all 101 self-love affirmations! Remember, affirmations are a quick, easy daily practice that can change your whole life if you stay consistent. Don’t think that it’s too simple/not worth your time, because it is! Some of the best, most profound things in life, are also the most simple. Put in the effort, and you will see results. You are so worthy of loving yourself and dedicating the time it takes to practice it!
These affirmations of self-love are here to serve as a reminder of the love that you carry deep within your soul already. As you return to love, sweet soul, commend yourself for giving you the energy, time, and space to create positive change and bring more love into your life. You got this!
↑1 | https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/self-esteem/signs-of-low-self-esteem-and-what-to-do-about-it/ |
↑2 | https://www.verywellmind.com/signs-of-low-self-esteem-5185978 |
↑3 | https://psychcentral.com/blog/imperfect/2019/05/what-is-self-love-and-why-is-it-so-important#What-is-self-love? |
↑4 | https://www.thelawofattraction.com/positive-daily-affirmations/ |
↑5 | https://www.coaching-online.org/how-long-does-it-take-for-affirmations-to-work/ |
↑6 | https://science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-the-mind/emotions/smiling-happy.htm |