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Queen of Swords Tarot Card
Belonging to the Suit of Swords of the Minor Arcana, the Queen of Swords tarot card represents clear communication, fair judgment, firm boundaries, honesty, and independence.
The Queen of Swords is the Water of Air card in the Minor Arcana (Queens are Water; the Suit of Swords is Air). She is the mastermind of the Swords suit. The Watery part of Air gives us the ability to communicate with others since Water symbolizes channels and flow (as water flows toward a river’s mouth). The Queen of Swords captures the freedom of thought and expression of oneself.
This card represents one’s thoughts and mental state because it is also the flexibility and dynamic autonomy of the intellect. This card also stands for the ability to develop others’ capacity for innovative thinking, intellectual knowledge, and philosophical perspectives. As a symbol for elocution, the Queen of Swords involves sowing ideas in other people’s minds through concise, impactful remarks or motivational speeches. It also represents the capacity to remove and cut away deception or delusion through communication and the truth in order to clarify one’s own views as well as those of others.
Some questions the Queen of Swords invites you to ponder…
- How does truth manifest itself in your life?
- When do you let your truth out, and when do you keep it inside?
- Can you be truthful about something while remaining kind? How?
- How do you express your truth and authenticity? How has this impacted others in your life?
In this post, we’ll be going over the Queen of Swords’ Upright and Reversed meanings, as well as the Queen of Swords as a person (or significator), the Queen of Swords as feelings, and the Queen of Swords as a yes or no.
Sometimes awareness of a card’s place in the Tarot and your intuition can be all that’s needed to interpret its message, however, understanding the traditional meanings of the Upright/Reversed Queen of Swords card, as well as its emotional and personal elements, will help equip you with deeper insight and more comprehensive, perceptive readings. Let’s get started!
Queen of Swords Keywords
Upright↑: | firm boundaries, fair judgment, clear communication, independence, honesty, objectivity |
Reversed↓: | pessimist, malevolent, conniving, harsh, vengeful, bitter, cruel, dishonest, and unforgiving |
Elemental: | Water of Air |
Zodiac Sign: | Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) |
Number: | 3 (innovation, communication, curiosity) |
Timing: | ↑ ~13 days / ↓ ~19 days; Sept. 12-Oct. 12 |
Don’t have time to read? Check out this helpful video for key meanings of the Queen of Swords Tarot card!
Queen of Swords Upright
Upright, the Queen of Swords is one who is able to view things for what they truly are instead of how others would want to see them. You can’t wear a mask around this Queen – she will see right through it and cut it off!
The Queen of Swords is rational, critical, and efficient in not only her speech but everything she does. The blending of the receptivity of the Water elemental with the incisiveness of Air makes her exceptionally insightful with excellent clarity of mind. Even in times of high emotion, she is able to see and think clearly. Similar to the King of Swords, she doesn’t let her emotions run away with her. This card also represents facing suffering or a storm with bravery and lucidity.
As an analytical and critical mind, the Queen of Swords is a responsible counselor giving sound advice, even if it is hard to hear or accept. Her appearance in your tarot readings shows that it is a good moment to ask for or offer insightful advice. This card is all about keeping your head above the clouds and being able to perceive the larger picture without having any delusions or irrational expectations.
The guidance of the Queen of Swords is to avoid continuing to rely on other people. Only set goals you know you can achieve on your own, rather than putting too much faith in the promises other people have made.
There are moments in life when no one can care for you as well as you can. It’s time to put emotion aside and act. You are in charge, so make decisions that matter to you. The Queen of Swords doesn’t want to hold out and see what people will say, do, or think. She is aware of what she desires and how to obtain it. You won’t catch this queen seeking approval from anyone or even letting anyone much affect her!
Observe things as they are rather than how you would like them to be. Speak the truth. Eliminate emotion from the situation. Cut out the BS. Take a forward-looking stance on the situation. Set an example for others. Avoid giving in to melancholy or inaction. Be selective in your choices, interactions, and behavior. Apply logic, analysis, and critical thinking to a problem.
Queen of Swords Reversed
The Queen of Swords Reversed means that you have been focusing too much on the past rather than the future. There may be an overabundance of ego or melancholy.
This reversal signals a strong intellect that has gone astray or is being mean-spirited using reasoning. Someone in your life might first come across as beautiful, yet they are sneaky, untrustworthy, and judgemental. It can also represent using reason as a weapon.
The guidance of the Queen of Swords Reversed is to pause before saying something. Do you intend to injure or heal with your words? Before you speak, think about the possible effects of your words.
Take into account the possibility that you are being excessively harsh, critical, or intolerant. You may need to drop your defense and adjust your attitude. Now is the moment for love, not for judgment. Connect with others. Be friendly rather than distant.
It’s possible for something to seem true but not be. With the Queen of Swords Reversed, your view on a situation might not be dependable or clear right now. Take sound advice from a different source before implementing your goals.
(tarot decks are hyperlinked to each photo throughout this post; we may earn a commission should you purchase a deck.)
Queen of Swords as a Person
The Queen of Swords is a mature, assured individual who can maintain composure in the majority of situations (if not all of them).
This person likely excels in professions and circumstances requiring communication abilities since they are a skilled public speaker and communicator. Additionally, they find joy in educating and guiding others. Their manner of speaking significantly inspires others and influences their perceptions.
On the shadow side, if their ability to communicate and influence others is misused, this can result in spin doctoring or propaganda. Furthermore, if provoked, the Queen of Swords will not back down from a conflict and will be a formidable opponent in any debate. When they talk without stopping to think, they might be harsh without even realizing it. You can trust them to be honest and upfront with you, but sometimes the truth hurts more than being lied to, so if you ask for this person’s opinion be ready for it! Because their intellect is so preoccupied with communicating the facts, they seldom show mercy and occasionally lack warmth and compassion.
The Queen of Swords is a representation of a person who is in touch with their mind and the information they have gained through experience and observation. And because this queen (and the suit of swords as a whole) is connected to the Air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) of the zodiac, it may represent an Air sign in your life or someone with an Air-dominant astrological birth chart.
Queen of Swords (Reversed) as a Person
A reversed Queen of Swords is someone who may be incredibly nasty, manipulative, and resentful.
When the Queen of Swords is in the reversed position, that individual is portrayed as being particularly stern and bitter. This person is easily put on the defense and might come out as being quite egotistical and intolerant. They may be highly judgmental and untrusting of others and of life in general. They are always ready to condemn and question the intentions of others.
When they believe they have been mistreated, they frequently seek to get retribution. A Queen of Swords personality will not let up until they have exacted their vengeance, however, they choose to do it. To reclaim their self-respect, they feel the urge to demand revenge. This is someone who has trouble forgiving others. It would require divine intervention for them to change their minds and absolve the offender after feeling wronged by their conduct.
In order to protect themselves from harm, this kind of individual has a propensity to distance themselves from those around them. Due to their extreme self-preservation, they would greatly benefit from being given the chance to address their trust difficulties. They would likely have a lot more fun and ease into life as a result.
Queen of Swords as Feelings
Emotionally, the Queen of Swords is on guard, cautious, and will stop at nothing to keep their heart safe. At times, it can be challenging for them to be vulnerable with others. Before they will allow themselves to open up, they feel the need to fully trust someone first.
Despite having noble intentions, the Queen of Swords often comes out as indifferent or cold because of their carefulness. This card also frequently denotes becoming more emotionally resilient as a result of having experienced some hardship.
If you ask the tarot how someone feels about you and you get the Queen of Swords, it indicates that they are assured in their position when it comes to you. This individual is considering your connection logically as opposed to emotionally. They are conscious of their limitations and want to make sure that both of you are treated fairly. Although they are loyal and caring at their core, they are not prone to letting their guard down – for anyone! The Queen of Swords suggests that the person in question is feeling incredibly observant, astute, and selective about who they invite into their lives. As your relationship progresses, this person wants to ensure that you are comfortable with the fact that they cherish their own privacy and sense of self.
Alternatively, the Queen of Swords as someone’s feelings for you suggests that they feel devoted to you and genuinely admire you (although they may not be the best at showing it). They feel at ease in your presence because you allow them the room to grow as an individual while simultaneously providing the affection they require in a relationship. This individual is feeling confident about your connection and wishes to treat you with respect, fairness, and honesty.
Queen of Swords (Reversed) as Feelings
Reversed, the Queen of Swords stands for emotions of self-defense and callousness. The person in question is feeling judgmental, resentful, and perhaps even malicious. Vindictive and unforgiving, they perceive some sort of injustice and believe that the world treats them unfairly. They are drowning in their own poisonous emotions, and they never place responsibility for their problems on themselves.
These feelings may occasionally be the consequence of trauma they encountered as children or other unresolved trauma in the past. Lingering feelings of being wounded by a particular incident are indicated here – someone may feel fearful of or hung up on a prior painful situation – and they would stop at nothing to avoid having to go through it again.
When a person experiences the Queen of Swords Reversed as their emotions, they might feel as though they are being targeted and mistreated by others and may even experience intense paranoia. In an effort to shield themselves from suffering, they frequently close themselves off from their feelings or keep them repressed. Portraying themselves to be distant and closed-off, the seeker might feel that they must put on a tough or intimidating front in order to protect themselves from mistreatment by others.
As someone’s feelings for you, the Queen of Swords reversed is a sign of someone feeling scornful and dissatisfied. They demand that you continuously apologize to them because they feel mistreated. It’s possible that the person you’re asking about is projecting their own baggage onto everyone else since they are still carrying it around. If this sounds like your situation, keep in mind that it is probably unrelated to you. Everyone experiences critical feelings occasionally, but keep an eye out to determine whether this is a recurring pattern.
Queen of Swords: Yes or No
You may wonder if the Queen of Swords represents a “yes” or “no” response to your inquiry if you pull it during a “yes or no” tarot reading. Tarot cards like the Queen of Swords are often always “yes” cards.
The Queen of Swords is a symbol of an intellectual, self-assured individual who is powerful and mature. If you pull this card during your Yes or No reading, it means that the insight you’ve been seeking will come to you shortly.
The answer to the query you have chosen is “yes,” according to the Queen of Swords. When this card pops out of your deck, it represents you as a strong woman or as someone in your life who embodies femininity and strength. This card affirms that you possess the necessary skills to deal with any troubles or problems you may be experiencing and lead them to a successful outcome.
Queen of Swords (Reversed): Yes or No
The Queen of Swords can still be read as a “yes” to your query when it is reversed, but this response comes with caution. The reversed version of this card is a warning to be watchful of your own as well as other people’s motives. They may not be as truthful as they ought to be.
A reversed Queen of Swords can also indicate a “no” to your inquiry. It may suggest that there are numerous obstacles in your path, making it impossible for you to get the intended result. It’s possible that your obsession with having the upper hand prevents you from evaluating your circumstances with objectivity.
Because the reversed Queen of Swords represents the exact opposite of what the upright Queen of Swords signifies (reason and reasoning), you could be making poor judgments and experiencing unfavorable results because you’re allowing your emotions to rule you.
The Queen of Swords reversed can denote mood swings, viciousness, cynicism, manipulations, ineffective communication, dishonesty, and indifference. When this card appears in your Yes or No tarot reading, you are encouraged to take a moment to collect your thoughts and emotions, especially before moving forward with any major decisions.
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