Is there one question that you’ve been dying to get answered? Order a general intuitive tarot reading to explore your current unfolding experience! This reading is perfect for anyone seeking clarity, confirmation, or energy check-in.
Provide your information below and we will ask the cards to deliver the messages you need to hear. We’ll also consult an oracle deck at the end of your reading to get some advice from Spirit. Within two to three business days, we’ll send you an email with a detailed interpretation and a picture of your reading!
☽ Benefits of receiving a custom professional Tarot Reading:
- Get clarity on current situations or challenges
- Explore subconscious thoughts and feelings
- Guidance on decision-making and problem-solving
- Validation of intuition or gut feelings
- Reflection on personal growth and development
- Exploration of possible outcomes or paths forward
- Connection with spiritual or higher guidance
- Emotional support and reassurance
- Inspiration for creativity or new perspectives
☽ This reading includes:
- customized intuitive tarot card reading
- FREE oracle card pulls for a message from Spirit