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Belonging to the Major Arcana of the Tarot, the Strength card represents resilience, inner fortitude, success, and self-control.
This card is about a powerful sense of purpose and the disciplined pursuit of goals, signifying willpower and the ability to overcome obstacles.
In this blog post, we’ll explore the complexities of the Strength personality type and how Strength shows up as a person, as well as how someone sees you.
Strength as a Person (Upright)
The Strength card represents someone with inner power, courage, and resilience. This person is recognized for their ability to face challenges with a calm and composed demeanor – even when their external world is going awry, they remain grounded within. It’s hard to shake them up!
This card shows someone who has essentially mastered the art of self-control and possesses a strong sense of integrity. They approach situations with patience and gentleness, understanding the power of compassion and empathy in dealing with others.
One of these reasons people represented by the Strength card are so powerful is because they have a deep connection to their inner selves and an acknowledgment of their own vulnerabilities. They have faced and worked with the wild aspects of human nature, of their shadow. They aren’t afraid to show their raw humanity and fully embrace their emotions.
When it comes to physical appearance, Strength can signify someone is physically fit and strong. This person likely has a solid workout routine and takes care of their body. They look healthy – their muscles may be toned, their skin may glow, and their hair can be curly, thick, and luscious like a Lion’s mane. They may have a more tan complexion, and perhaps brown or hazel eyes. This person may also prefer to dress in a very flowy, feminine way, or they could be into more eclectic and bohemian fashion.
Because Strength is associated with the zodiac sign of Leo, this person may have a strong Leo influence in their birth chart, or they may have prominent Fire traits. In astrology, Leos are known for their strength, courage, and commanding presence. Ruled by the Sun, they are gifted with a natural charisma and a flair for leadership. Leo is also a Fixed Fire sign, which resonates with the Strength card’s energy of facing challenges with a sense of tenacity and dignity.
Strength as a Person (Reversed)
The Strength card in reverse represents someone potentially experiencing challenges related to self-esteem and self-control. This person may be grappling with self-doubt, insecurity, or a lack of confidence. They might find it hard to manage their emotions or confront difficulties with composure.
This reversal can speak of a struggle between asserting oneself or maintaining a balance between power and gentleness. A person signified by Strength reversed may be prone to impulsive reactions or may be overwhelmed by external pressures.
Strength reversed can also reveal someone dealing with a temporary loss of confidence, a struggle with ego, or difficulties in maintaining their usual assertiveness. They may have the qualities of the upright Strength card, however, these qualities could be internalized, hidden, or blocked from them at this time; they could be working on rediscovering their natural strength and resilience.
Strength as How Someone Sees You
When the Strength card reveals how someone sees you, it indicates that this person perceives you as someone with great inner strength and resilience. They view you with respect and admiration, recognizing qualities that evoke a profound sense of courage and composure.
On a physical level, they may see you as someone with a harmonious balance, exuding a quiet yet powerful charm that captivates those around you. Your appearance may reflect a strong connection to your inner self, projecting an aura of calm confidence that goes beyond mere external impressions. You are seen as a gentle warrior, soft yet hard, full of peace and fire.
Moreover, the Strength card suggests that you are perceived as someone who values authenticity and inner fortitude in relationships. The person in question likely sees you as someone who approaches interactions with a genuine and open spirit; you foster an environment of trust and cooperation. They may appreciate the blend of qualities you bring to relationships, acknowledging your ability to navigate challenges with a combination of emotional intelligence and strength of character.
In their eyes, you embody a unique synthesis of gentleness and strength, making you a source of inspiration and admiration.
Strength (Reversed) as How Someone Sees You
The Strength card reversed may suggest that others perceive you as grappling with a potential lack of inner power or control in your demeanor. There might be a noticeable disconnection between your internal resilience and your outward expression, creating an impression of internal conflicts or unresolved emotional challenges.
People may see you as struggling to find balance within yourself, which could lead to difficulties in forming deep emotional connections with others. Your perceived struggle with self-love and acceptance might be evident, and there could be a sense that you are working to align your desires with your actions.
Also, the reversed Strength card can sometimes hint at challenges in making significant choices and commitments, reflecting inner turmoil or conflicting values. This reversal may signal that others are viewing you as currently experiencing turbulence, possibly due to conflicting values, communication breakdowns, or navigating through a period of uncertainty and complexity in various aspects of your life.
Key Takeaway
In essence, when the Strength card represents a person in a tarot reading, it signifies someone who skillfully navigates the delicate balance between inner power, courage, and external challenges. This person is seen as strong and resilient; they have an inner harmony and a mastery of the wild aspects of their nature. Challenges are viewed as opportunities for personal growth and self-realization in their ongoing journey.
Concerning how others perceive you, the Strength card unveils an image of someone seen as adept at handling the complexities of life with grace and composure. There might be a recognition of your inner strength and a sense of quiet confidence that radiates from you. Others may see you as someone who faces challenges with resilience, portraying a beautiful blend of gentleness and power. You inspire others with your ability to handle life’s twists and turns.
And that concludes our exploration of the Strength card as a person! To learn more about the Tarot, check out our Tarot Guide for Beginners, or explore the meanings of the rest of the cards!