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Belonging to the Major Arcana of the Tarot, the Strength card represents fortitude, courage, and resilience. It signifies the ability to overcome challenges with grace and determination, harnessing one’s inner strength and power.
Strength is all about a profound mastery over oneself and the situations one encounters, showcasing resilience and the capacity to endure.
In this blog post, we’ll delve into the intricacies of Strength, exploring its significance as feelings and intentions within the spheres of both platonic and romantic relationships.
Strength as Feelings (Upright)
When Strength appears upright, it is a sign of inner strength, courage, and resilience in facing challenges. Emotionally, it represents feelings of self-confidence, determination, and mastery over one’s emotions. It indicates a harmonious balance within oneself, so the seeker may feel empowered, capable, and in control of their circumstances.
As for how someone feels about you, the Strength card suggests that they feel like you are resilient and passionate. They likely admire your strength of heart, courage, and unwavering determination. This person may feel a deep respect and appreciation for your ability to overcome challenges and navigate life with grace and resilience.
In the context of singles and new relationships, Strength can indicate that you or the person involved possess a strong sense of self-assurance and inner resilience, which can attract potential partners who admire these qualities. This card suggests a potential for a relationship founded on mutual respect, commitment, and admiration.
Within an existing relationship, Strength reveals a deep emotional bond characterized by mutual respect, admiration, and resilience. Both partners may feel safe and supported by each other, creating a relationship built on trust and emotional stability. On the other hand, this card can be a sign for partners to approach any challenges together with courage and determination, which will help strengthen the bond between them.
Regarding ex-partners and past relationships, the Strength card suggests a feeling of closure and empowerment. One or both partners may have gained insights into their own internal strength and independence through the experiences of the past relationship. This card is usually a positive sign of a recognition of the lessons learned and a focus on personal growth and self-improvement.
In a more platonic context, the Strength card can show feelings of admiration, respect, and support within friendships. It symbolizes a strong emotional bond fueled by mutual encouragement, empowerment, and perseverance. Feelings represented by Strength in a platonic relationship involve loving trust and companionship, where friends uplift and inspire each other to overcome challenges and achieve their goals with confidence.
Strength as Feelings (Reversed)
Strength reversed often signals a struggle with one’s sense of personal power and tenacity – it suggests feelings of weakness, self-doubt, or a lack of courage to face challenges. This reversal implies that there may be difficulties in asserting control over one’s circumstances or emotions, leading to a feeling of vulnerability and insecurity.
In terms of relationships, Strength reversed may indicate power struggles, conflicts, or a lack of control within partnerships. There could be a breakdown in communication, leading to tensions and feelings of discord. This reversal can reveal that one or both partners may feel overwhelmed by the demands of the relationship or may struggle to assert their needs and boundaries effectively.
When considering how someone feels about you, the reversed Strength card suggests that they may perceive you as lacking confidence or assertiveness. They may feel that you are struggling to stand up for yourself or to maintain control over your life and emotions. This person may feel the relationship as unbalanced or may feel frustrated by your perceived inability to assert your needs and desires.
[azonpress template=”grid” asin=”B0BG21FV5F,1401958036″]For singles and new relationships, the reversed Strength card can show a lack of self-confidence or assertiveness in pursuing romantic connections. You may be struggling to assert yourself or to take the necessary risks to pursue potential partners. This reversal encourages you to work on building your self-esteem and inner strength before entering into a new relationship.
Within an existing relationship, Strength reversed may speak of a need to address power imbalances or conflicts. There may be underlying issues of control or dominance that need to be resolved through open communication and compromise.
When considering past relationships or ex-partners, this reversal suggests that there may have been a lack of assertiveness or self-confidence that contributed to the challenges in the relationship. It can reveal that one or both exes are struggling with feelings of low self-esteem, insecurity, or perhaps a sense of powerlessness.
Alternatively, Strength reversed can be a positive sign that they are reflecting on how they can learn from past experiences in the relationship and develop greater resilience moving forward; slowly but surely, they’re gaining their power back.
Strength as Intentions
In a love reading, Strength indicates a desire to nurture a partner or relationship. This card can show intentions to support and empower one another, especially through difficult times. It may also speak of the intention to be brave in expressing their feelings or to face the challenges within the relationship head-on, with the confidence that love and compassion will conquer all.
The Strength card may reveal intentions to face one’s fears and insecurities, and the strength to be vulnerable with one another. One may intend to work on self-love and respect (the foundation of any strong relationship). They want to build mutual understanding, patience, and the fortitude to grow together.
In a more platonic context, Strength can symbolize a deep, nurturing bond built on mutual respect and understanding. It may signify intentions of patience, empathy, and the quiet resilience needed to maintain strong, healthy connections. When it appears, it may show a desire to approach any conflicts or challenges with compassion and a soft touch, as well as open and honest communication.
This card is also all about the strength found in vulnerability, so it may reveal intentions to open up to another or to support each other through personal growth and difficult times. Strength denotes the ability to face fears together, and the power to overcome obstacles with gentle determination and mutual support.
Strength (Reversed) as Intentions
In a love reading, Strength reversed often signals introspection and recognition of one’s vulnerabilities within a relationship, so it may indicate intentions to address issues of dependency or a lack of confidence that could be affecting the partnership.
There may be a desire to work on internal struggles, such as fear or insecurity. Intentions may surround finding ways to rebuild self-esteem and courage to express emotions more freely and handle any relationship challenges with greater resilience.
On the other hand, this reversal can point to an underlying struggle with fear, insecurity, and vulnerability. Due to this, there may be a hesitation to fully engage in emotional intimacy or confront challenges, leading to intentions of potential withdrawal or defensive behavior.
In a platonic context, Strength reversed may highlight a phase where one might feel a lack of mutual support or understanding. There may be intentions to reevaluate the dynamics of a friendship, addressing areas where empathy and patience have weakened. This reversal can also reveal a desire to overcome communication barriers or to address feelings of being overwhelmed by the other’s needs.
Key Takeaway
In summary, the Strength card is about courage, resilience, and inner fortitude. It symbolizes the ability to overcome challenges with grace and compassion, harnessing one’s inner power to navigate life’s obstacles.
As feelings, Strength symbolizes great courage and tenacity, along with calm confidence. In love, it can show feelings of loyalty, devotion, and passion. It signifies the ability to handle situations with grace and compassion, even in the face of adversity. However, when the Strength card appears reversed, it indicates a momentary lapse in one’s sense of personal power, leading to feelings of weakness, self-doubt, or an inability to assert oneself effectively.
In terms of intentions, the Strength card shows a commitment to overcoming obstacles through patience, self-control, and the power of a gentle approach. It suggests a determination to navigate through life’s challenges with kindness and understanding, aiming to foster peaceful and loving relationships that are based on mutual respect and emotional support.
On the flip side, when the Strength card is reversed, it may reflect intentions hindered by fear, insecurity, or a reluctance to face one’s problems directly. There could be a tendency to avoid confrontation or to overcompensate for feelings of inadequacy, potentially leading to rash decisions or actions that do not align with one’s true values or long-term goals.
As with any tarot reading, personal interpretation plays a vital role! Always trust your intuition and use these insights as a general guide.
And that concludes our exploration of the Strength card as feelings and intentions! To learn more about the Tarot, check out our Tarot Guide for Beginners, or explore the meanings of the rest of the cards!
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