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Strength Tarot Card Meaning
The Strength tarot card is the eighth key of the Major Arcana and symbolizes equanimity, confidence, compassion, fortitude, willpower, and security.
The Strength tarot card is a powerful symbol of inner strength, courage, and resilience. Imagery typically depicts a woman gently taming a lion with her bare hands or by holding its jaws shut. The woman in the card represents the seeker’s power and the lion symbolizes their primal instincts or animal nature.
Strength teaches us that true fortitude comes from within and that the seeker can overcome challenges and obstacles by drawing on their inner resources of patience, compassion, and self-control.
Some questions the Strength tarot card encourages you to ponder…
- What areas of your life require you to draw on your inner strength? Are there any challenges or obstacles that you are currently facing that require courage and resilience?
- What aspects of your personality do you feel are driven by your instincts? How do you manage these instincts in your daily life?
- How do you nurture your inner strength and resilience? What practices or habits help you to stay centered and grounded in times of stress or difficulty?
- Reflect on a time when you had to use self-discipline to achieve a goal. What did you learn from that experience? How can you apply that lesson to other areas of your life?
- Think about a time when you showed kindness or compassion to someone else. How did that experience make you feel? How can you cultivate more compassion and understanding in your daily life?
In this post, we’ll be going over the Strength’s Upright and Reversed meanings, as well as Strength as a person (or significator) and Strength as feelings.
Strength Keywords & Facts
Upright: | compassion, force, fortitude, willpower, equanimity, control, security |
Reversed: | stubbornness, self-doubt, insecurity/instability, brutality, carnal desires |
Energy: | Yang |
Element: | Fire |
Planet: | Sun |
Zodiac Sign: | Leo |
Yes or No: | Yes |
Don’t have time to read? Check out this helpful video for key meanings of the Strength Tarot card!
Strength (Upright)
One of the primary meanings of the Strength card is inner strength. It reminds the seeker that they possess an inherent strength and resilience that can help them to face any challenge or obstacle that comes their way. The woman in the card can tame the lion with a gentle touch, which serves as a reminder that true strength often comes from a place of compassion and understanding.
Another key interpretation of the Strength card is courage. It encourages the seeker to have confidence in themselves and to face their fears with bravery. The seeker may be facing a difficult decision or situation and the Strength card reminds them to trust in their own abilities and to be bold in the face of adversity.
The Strength card is also associated with self-mastery. The woman in the card demonstrates self-control and discipline by taming the lion with a soft touch. This suggests that the seeker can achieve their goals by mastering their own impulses and staying focused on what they want to achieve. This can be a powerful message for those who struggle with self-discipline or who feel like they are at the mercy of their own emotions.
Finally, the Strength card is also linked to compassion and gentleness. The woman in the card is not using brute force to control the lion, but rather a gentle touch. This suggests that the seeker can achieve their goals through kindness and compassion rather than aggression or force. By treating others with compassion and understanding, the seeker can build stronger relationships and create a more harmonious world around them.
Overall, the Strength tarot card in the upright position is a powerful symbol of inner strength, courage, and resilience. It reminds the seeker that they possess the inner resources needed to overcome any obstacle and that true strength often comes from a place of compassion and understanding.
Strength (Reversed)
The Strength card in the reversed position can indicate a lack of inner strength, courage, or self-control. The seeker may be feeling powerless or unable to overcome the challenges they are facing. Alternatively, this reversal may indicate that the seeker is using brute force or aggression to achieve their goals rather than relying on their inner resources.
There may be weakness or vulnerability, and a struggle to find the strength and resilience needed to overcome the obstacles in one’s path. This can be a difficult position to be in, as the seeker may feel like they are constantly fighting an uphill battle with no hope of victory.
The reversed Strength card can also indicate low energy, courage, or confidence. The seeker may be struggling with self-doubt or anxiety, and may be hesitant to take risks or make bold decisions. This can be a challenging position to be in, as the seeker may feel stuck or trapped in their current circumstances.
Alternatively, the Strength card in reverse may indicate that the seeker is relying too much on brute force or aggression to achieve their goals. This can lead to conflicts with others and can create a hostile or aggressive environment. The seeker may need to find a more compassionate and understanding approach to achieving their goals, rather than relying solely on force or intimidation.
Finally, the reversed Strength card can also indicate a lack of self-control or discipline. The seeker may be struggling to manage their emotions or impulses, which can lead to impulsive or reckless behavior. This can be a dangerous position to be in, as the seeker may be putting themselves or others at risk by acting on impulse rather than using good judgment.
(tarot decks are hyperlinked to each photo throughout this post; we may earn a commission should you purchase a deck.)
Strength as a Person
The Strength tarot card describes someone compassionate, strong, and independent. These beautiful souls are full of grace and carry themselves with composure everywhere they go. They are usually calm and gentle people.
This card represents a person who is confident, courageous, and resilient. They may be someone who has faced significant challenges or obstacles in their life, yet has been able to overcome them through their inner strength and determination. Because of this, they may be a natural leader who inspires others through their bravery and self-assuredness.
Strength in a reading usually shows someone with a subtle confidence that is hard to ignore. This person is strong-willed and stable. Strength indicates someone who is highly self-disciplined with a great amount of self-control. They understand the shadows of their own psyche and of other people. They readily offer forgiveness and show great patience and understanding when others would simply leave. Nurturing and protective, Strength people are loyal and steadfast friends who love deeply and stand by the sides of their loved ones through thick and thin.
Many may underestimate those represented by the Strength tarot card due to their temperate and humble disposition, but these people have incredible fortitude inside. They will not play the victim’s role; they’ll expect you to respect them and those they love. Though incredibly understanding and merciful, they will not tolerate disrespect or unfair treatment.
Strength (Reversed) as a Person
The Strength Reversed tarot card shows someone potentially insecure, vulnerable, traumatized, or unstable. They may be feeling powerless or unable to assert themselves, and may be in need of support or assistance to break free from their circumstances.
Sometimes, Strength Reversed can show an individual who is prone to emotional outbursts and may act out or indulge in unhealthy habits when things aren’t going well. They want to be strong, confident, and independent but have yet to trust in their own abilities. They can struggle with low self-esteem or self-doubt.
At its worst, Strength Reversed can signify someone with a hostile and emotionally (and/or physically) violent personality. They may try to dominate or bully others with brute force and abusive, controlling tactics. Deeply insecure, they may put others down to feel better about themselves. These people can have major unresolved traumas and project their issues onto everyone else, refusing to integrate/work through their own shadow.
Strength as Feelings
The Strength card conveys a feeling of fortitude, courageousness, and resilience. It signifies a deep well of strength within the seeker, empowering them to face challenges with a composed and determined demeanor. It speaks of a confident, patient, and steadfast disposition.
Additionally, the Strength card can be indicative of a desire for mastery and control, not in an assertive or forceful manner like the Chariot, but through a calm and patient strength. The seeker may find themselves in a position of influence, yet their strength lies in the gentle and compassionate way they navigate challenges, demonstrating a powerful yet nurturing leadership style.
Strength (Reversed) as Feelings
The reversed Strength card may represent feelings of weakness, vulnerability, or lack of control. The seeker may be feeling overwhelmed by their emotions or circumstances, and may be struggling to find the strength they need to overcome their challenges. They may be feeling powerless or unable to take control of their situation.
In some cases, the reversed Strength card might also represent feelings of aggression or anger. The seeker may be feeling frustrated or resentful towards others, and may be lashing out in a way that is causing harm or conflict. They may be struggling to control their emotions and may need to find a more constructive way to channel their energy.
If the Strength card appears in the reversed position in a romantic reading, it could indicate that the seeker is feeling vulnerable or lacking in confidence when it comes to their romantic relationships. They may be struggling with self-doubt or insecurity, and may be feeling uncertain about their partner’s feelings or intentions.
Alternatively, the reversed Strength card in a romantic reading could indicate that the querent is feeling overly aggressive or domineering in their relationship. They may be using force or intimidation to get what they want, or they may be struggling to control their impulses and emotions.
Strength: Yes or No
The Strength tarot card indicates a “Yes” in a Yes/No tarot reading. While this card represents a Yes most of the time, you will need to rely on your own capabilities and instincts to move forward and make a difference. Whatever situation you may be asking the Tarot about, Strength as a yes or no shows that you have what it takes to overcome.
Strength (Reversed): Yes or No
Strength Reversed as a Yes or No in a Tarot reading represents a ‘No‘. The Strength tarot card in reverse mainly signifies doubts, insecurities, imbalances, and lack of discipline or willpower.
Pulling the Strength Reversed is a clear No. Depending on the situation at hand, Strength in Reverse as a yes or no can be a ‘no‘ and a sign that you may need to work on building up your inner strength, energy, confidence, and discipline first.
That’s all for our Strength tarot card meanings! To learn more about the Tarot, check out our Tarot Guide for Beginners, or explore the meanings of the rest of the cards!
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