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Belonging to the Major Arcana of the Tarot, the Hermit card symbolizes introspection, solitude, wisdom, and guidance.
In this blog post, we’ll explore the complexities of the Hermit personality type and how the Hermit shows up as a person, as well as how someone sees you.
Key Points
Upright Traits: | A seeker of wisdom and guidance. Solitude, introspection, self-reflection. Quest for deeper knowledge. |
Reversed Traits: | Isolation, loneliness. Negative withdrawal. Warning against excessive solitude. Ignoring external world. |
Physical Appearance: | Modest, simple clothing. Calm, contemplative demeanor. Prefers solitude, reserved body language. |
Zodiac Sign: | Associated with Virgo. Analytical, meticulous. Practical, perfection-seeking. Detail-oriented, methodical. |
The Hermit as a Person (Upright)
The Hermit signifies someone reflective and wise. They are not the loudest person in the room, and may be shy or introverted – they find comfort and power in solitude rather than in crowded spaces. This person is a thinker and the epitome of an old soul. Their life experiences have equipped them with an understanding that runs deeper than most, allowing them to offer profound insight and guidance.
As a seeker of truth, these people are never content with superficial explanations and strive to uncover the essence behind everything. Despite their vast knowledge, they maintain an aura of mystery. They reveal their thoughts and insights selectively, ensuring they provide true value when they do choose to share. This is someone who has honed the skill of self-reflection and authenticity.
The Hermit can also show someone more mature or older in appearance. They could have a lean and wiry build, pointing to a disciplined lifestyle. Their eyes hold a depth of knowledge, and their presence conveys a quiet confidence. They may like to dress in oversized, flowy, or baggy clothes.
Given the association of the Hermit with the zodiac sign of Virgo, this person may have strong Virgoan qualities in their personality or prominent Earth in their birth chart. In astrology, Virgos are known for their analytical minds, practicality, and attention to detail. And, like the Hermit, they seek wisdom through introspection and self-improvement. This sign is also Mutable Earth, which reflects the adaptability and groundedness of those with the Hermit as their signifier.
The Hermit as a Person (Reversed)
The Hermit reversed represents someone facing challenges related to isolation, introspection, and following their inner guidance. This person could struggle with loneliness, disconnection, or a lack of direction in life. For whatever reason, they might find it difficult to find solace in solitude or to trust their own instincts.
This reversal can speak of people who have a conflict between trusting themselves and craving external validation. Someone signified by the reversed Hermit may be lost or confused and seek answers outside themselves rather than turning inward. They can be chronic people-pleasers and give up their truth for the sake of others.
The Hermit in reverse can also indicate someone who is avoiding introspection or resisting the call to focus on themselves or grow as a person. They could be afraid to confront their inner demons or reluctant to confront their truths. Sometimes, it can reveal heavy self-criticism and insecurity.
This person could be in a phase of stagnation or delay in life, potentially due to being hesitant to step out of their comfort zone or running away from change. They may feel stuck in a rut.
That being said, this reversal isn’t all bad! It can sometimes show someone who is coming out of a period of isolation and soul-searching. They may have withdrawn for a while from being social and entered their proverbial “cocoon” to heal or work on themselves. However, they are beginning to open back up and connect with others again.
The Hermit as How Someone Sees You
When you receive the Hermit card as how someone sees you, it means that this person perceives you as deeply introspective and wise. They likely view you with high respect and admiration for your inner guidance, power, and insight.
On a deeper level, they may see you as someone who radiates a quiet yet profound aura. To them, you seem to draw others in with your depth of character and knowledge. Your presence alone could emanate tranquility and peace; you are seen as someone with a strong connection to your soul that is both inspiring and comforting to those around you.
Moreover, the Hermit card can suggest that you are perceived as someone who values solitude and introspection in your connections. The person in question could see you as someone who approaches other people and situations with thoughtfulness and sincerity. It’s important to you to create meaningful connections that are built on trust and authenticity – you won’t stick around for anything less!
In their eyes, you embody a unique blend of wisdom and humility, making you a source of guidance and inspiration for those fortunate enough to know you.
The Hermit (Reversed) as How Someone Sees You
The Hermit reversed may reveal that others perceive you as struggling with a sense of isolation or disconnection from yourself and the world around you. There might be a perceived difficulty in finding direction or purpose in your life, leading them to view you as lost or adrift.
The person you’re asking about may see you as avoiding looking within or resisting growth as a person. It’s also possible you give them the impression of someone who is closed off or inaccessible. Your reluctance to engage in deep conversations or share your thoughts and feelings openly may contribute to a sense of mystery or aloofness.
Additionally, the Hermit in reverse can be a sign that they perceive you as hesitant to deal with change or take risks in life. They may sense that you fear trying new things and stepping out of your comfort zone.
Key Takeaway
When the Hermit card represents a person, it signifies someone who delves deeply into introspection, wisdom, and solitude. This is someone who is perceived as reflective and extremely wise; they have a profound understanding of themselves and the world around them.
Regarding how others perceive you, the Hermit shows you are seen as potentially introverted, deep, and insightful. There is a recognition of your ability to navigate life’s complexities with an inner knowing and quiet strength. You may not be the most social at times, but your energy speaks volumes. You’re an old soul, and people can feel it. Others view you as someone who is comfortable with solitude and who values time to think and recharge.
And that concludes our exploration of the Hermit card as a person! To learn more about the Tarot, check out our Tarot Guide for Beginners, or explore the meanings of the rest of the cards!