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The Star Tarot Card Meaning
The Star Tarot card meaning – The Star is the 17th (XVII) card of the Major Arcana and represents blessings, healing, hope, reflection, rejuvenation, wishes, spirituality, and success.
Spiritually, The Star is most fitting with the Maiden aspect of the Divine Feminine; it is a card of youthful optimism, healing, hope, and renewal. In the Major Arcana, The Star naturally follows two extremely difficult cards: The Devil (XV) and The Tower (XVI). After the adversity, crisis, and transformations of these previous cards, The Star acts as a beacon of light in the darkness and promises the release of energy, deep healing, and rejuvenation.
The Star tarot card symbolizes the innate divine nature that all human beings share; it reminds us of the beauty and miracle of incarnation, and our highest abilities as participants of the universe. It represents our wishes and high ideals.
Some questions The Star invites you to ponder…
- How do you heal? Do you hold onto old wounds and grudges or do you let go easily? What forms does healing take in your life?
- When have you experienced luck or blessings?
- What have you wished for that came true?
- Do you view yourself as successful or lucky? Where does your success or luck come from?
- Are you more optimistic or pessimistic?
In this post, we’ll be going over The Star tarot card in-depth with upright and reversed meanings, as well as The Star as a person or significator and The Star as feelings. Understanding The Star in these positions will equip you with a deeper intuitive understanding of this Major Arcana card. However, remember, each Tarot reading is unique! These interpretations are general intuitive meanings, so they may or may not apply to you and your reading. Always consult your inner guidance when discerning the interpretations of the cards in your tarot readings! Or, book a reading with a tarot reader or psychic you trust.
As the springs return – regardless of time or man – so does hope! Sometimes but a tiny bud has to push up through the hard shell of circumstance to reach the light of accomplishment. Do not give up hope!
– Dorothy Miller Cole
Every man and every woman is a star.
– Liber Al Vel Legis
The Star Keywords & Concepts
Upright: | blessings, guidance, healing, hope, reflection, rejuvenation, spirituality, success |
Reversed: | bad fortune, despair, disconnection, disappointment, illness, insipidity, lack of faith |
Energy: | Yang |
Element: | Air |
Planet: | Saturn & Uranus |
Zodiac Sign: | Aquarius |
Yes or No: | Yes |
Common Symbols
- Stars (ambitions, guidance, light, wishes, hope, inspiration)
- Naked Woman (personal freedom, comfort with self, bare essentials of the self)
- Water (energy, life, flow, healing, renewal, consciousness/sub-consciousness)
- Pouring Water (cleansing, removing blockages, healing)
- Bennu Bird/Egyptian Phoenix (immortality, spiritual renewal + rejuvenation)
- One Foot in Water, One Foot on Land (living in both the physical & spiritual realms)
Don’t have time to read? Check out this helpful video for key meanings of The Star Tarot card!
The Star Upright
In the Tarot, The Star card is a welcoming light after the darkness and destruction of The Tower. Receiving The Star in your reading means that you have endured great transformation and challenges. You’ve learned to heal yourself and release anything that doesn’t align with your soul – you are coming home to your true self. The Star card may also be a sign that you are awakening spiritually. No matter what life throws at you, you rest assured knowing that you are always connected to the Divine and the energy of pure love.
At the core, The Star always brings a message of renewal, faith, inspiration, and success to any reading. Its appearance is often indicative of profound spiritual awakenings, personal growth, and self-healing after experiencing a time of chaos and obstacles. You are now learning to trust in and open up to the loving guidance of the Universe; you are reminded that you are blessed and provided for. The Star is a signal that you entering into a more peaceful phase in your life and cultivating greater love, understanding, and stability for yourself and those around you.
The Star Reversed
Even when The Star is reversed, it still brings positive messages. The Star Reversed can mean that you’re currently lacking in faith or hope in the Universe. It may feel as though life is really testing you now – you could be getting lost in doubt, disconnecting from your truth, struggling to trust in the Divine, and wondering if everything will pan out the way you desire. Genuine inspiration, vision, and authentic connection in your life may be dwindling or non-existent.
However, The Star Reversed gently reminds you that sometimes the darkest nights allow us to see the brightest stars. Miracles are possible, even if it doesn’t seem like it right now. The Universe is always present and on your side. This reversal may be indicating that you need to take some time to reconnect with your soul and reflect on the deeper meanings behind the current circumstances in your life. The Star Reversed asks you to seek out the silver linings and blessings because they are there – you just have to look! Now is the time to focus deeply on your personal healing and renewal of mind, body, and spirit. Reconnect with what makes your heart and soul sing. Be intentional with your energy. Take the time for proper self-care and nourishment. The more you do this and mindfully align, the more inspiration and healing will come pouring in.
(tarot decks are hyperlinked to each photo throughout this post; we may earn a commission should you purchase a deck.)
The Star as a Person
As a person, The Star is a joy to know. The Star tarot card represents someone who is a shining light in everyone’s lives – these people are dreamy, optimistic, and incredibly inspiring. They are gifted individuals who have created a healthy, intriguing, and wise persona. Despite their calm and graceful appearance, Star people have often gone through immense upheavals and transformations in life that have shaped them into who they are today.
The Star shows someone who is highly intelligent with a generous, warm heart, and an expansive, open mind. Unapologetically authentic and uninhibited personalities, they are fearlessly themselves and always feel at home, no matter where they are. They may have a deep interest in spirituality and the New Age, and they are always looking for new ideas and ways of thinking.
The Star tarot card may also represent someone who has their Sun/Moon/Rising in the zodiac sign of Aquarius. They could be Air-dominant or have prominent Saturn or Uranus placements in their birth chart. Like the sign of Aquarius, The Star person spends much of their time in their own world with their head in the clouds. Others may mistake them for being naive or easy to take advantage of, however, make no mistake – they are extremely sharp, well-grounded, and will not play the fool.
The Star (Reversed) as a Person
The Star Reversed shows someone who has lost their inner light. They may be deeply insecure within themselves and seek out approval from others. Co-dependent behavior, social anxiety, or a general lack of confidence blocks them from expressing themselves authentically. Others may perceive them to be overly shy or standoffish. They could be struggling to adjust to their new circumstances while recovering from a period of trauma or transformation.
On the shadow side, The Star Reversed represents an arrogant individual with a toxic, boastful ego. They may be rather pretentious, full of pride, and demanding of others. These people display smug and presumptuous behavior when in reality, they lack confidence and operate out of fear.
The Star as Feelings
As feelings, The Star shows equanimity, peace, and comfort. This card brings emotional awareness and balance; all feelings are valid + accepted as they are. Even when challenging feelings such as anger, fear, or sadness overwhelm us, this card brings gentle confidence and hope to overcome. Being a symbol of renewal, The Star tarot card is a positive sign of emotional healing and growth.
If you pulled The Star as how someone feels about you, this means that they feel like you are a light in their life! They feel that you are a healing and inspiring presence. They may have witnessed you rise up and heal yourself from a difficult, low time in your life; they admire your strength. The Star shows that they see and appreciate you for who you truly are. They may also feel as though you greatly expand their reality and expose them to new ways of thinking or doing things – it’s possible that you excite and influence this person quite a bit! You could help them get in touch with the Divine or their sense of spirituality, or you may literally feel like a blessing from Heaven to them!
The Star (Reversed) as Feelings
The Star Reversed falls from feelings of hope to feelings of despair. Comfort, faith, or inspiration may feel impossible to find. This reversal often comes up as emotional overreactions or overwhelming feelings of stress, loneliness, or sadness. Emotional energy could be wasted or depleted on people or situations that don’t deserve it. Because The Star card comes after major transitions and crises of The Devil and The Tower, it can show that someone feels emotionally drained in the aftermath.
When experiencing The Star Reversed as feelings, it is best to take some deep breaths and let your emotions run their course – don’t try to force anything right now. Remember, it’s perfectly okay and valid to have these feelings! Ask yourself why you are feeling this way – perhaps you’ve missed a meal or are just having a bad day. The Star Reversed encourages you to take things one step at a time and focus on gratitude + things that uplift you, rather than the things that weigh you down.
If The Star appears in reverse as how someone feels about you, this means that they feel as though you’ve lost hope in someone or something, or that your authentic, inner light has been dimmed for some reason. They may feel like you are out of their reach somehow, emotionally distant, or unavailable. It’s possible that they feel that you are more focused on yourself for now.
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