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The Sun Tarot Card Meaning
The Sun Tarot card meaning – The Sun is the 19th (XIX) card of the Major Arcana and represents attainment, celebration, evolution, enlightenment, fun, creativity, learning, and truth.
Just as the sun rises in the east each and every morning after the shadow of night, the Sun tarot card teaches us that after every darkness comes the bright light of a new day. We can trust that times of obscurity and turmoil will not last forever. Since ancient times, the Sun has served as a symbol of divine light, authority, blessings, truth, and the soul. As the center of our solar system, the Sun reminds us that at our core, we are pure Spirit.
Spiritually, the Sun tarot card is all about the illumination, realization, and enlightenment that comes after darkness. It represents the bliss and joy that come through self-awareness and spiritual evolution. Also, just as staring at the actual Sun will blind you, this card brings harsh reality into focus and reminds us that sometimes the truth can be painful.
The Sun card often brings with it genuine happiness, joyful experiences, and awareness. It is also seen as the state of true innocence of Spirit which removes the need for agendas, falsehood, and worries.
Some questions The Sun invites you to ponder…
- What brings true joy or happiness into your life?
- What is the source of your personal growth and evolution? What influences you to be your highest self?
- When was the last time you had a moment of realization or awakening of sorts?
- What aspects of your life do you need to ‘shine a light’ on? (aka what needs your attention? what needs to evolve?)
In this post, we’ll be going over The Sun card’s Upright and Reversed meanings, as well as The Sun as a person (or significator) The Sun as feelings, and The Sun as a yes or no. Whether you are a seasoned tarot reader or just beginning to explore the world of divination, the Sun offers valuable insights and guidance for navigating life’s challenges with wisdom, discernment, and inner peace.
Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle. Happiness never decreases by being shared.
– Gautama Buddha
There is no way to happiness – happiness is the way.
– Nhat Hanh
The Sun Keywords & Concepts
Upright: | attainment, celebration, evolution, enlightenment, fun, creativity, learning, truth |
Reversed: | apathy, falsehood, unhappiness, obscurity, ignorance, weakness, stagnation |
Energy: | Yang |
Element: | Fire |
Planet: | Sun |
Zodiac Sign: | Leo |
Common Symbols
- Sun (abundance, life, light, happiness)
- Child (childlike innocence, freedom)
- White Horse (nobility, strength, instincts)
- Red Flag (renewal, radiance)
- Garden (paradise; growth, evolvement)
- Sunflowers (optimism, hope)
Don’t have time to read? Check out this helpful video for key meanings of The Sun Tarot card!
The Sun Upright
The Sun is an unadulterated delight. Complete transparency Success, wisdom, liberation, new life, and rejuvenation. Creativity, personal development, successful ventures, connections, and interactions. Having a lively, vivacious, welcoming, and innocent enthusiasm. Being able to produce and be wholly authentically safe. Being recognized for the true you. Stating who you truly are. Community, love, successful relationships, teamwork, friendship, and acceptance for who you really are. Wellness and completeness.
The Sun tarot card brings abundance, good vibes, and warm feelings all around. Receiving it in your Tarot reading can be a highly positive sign that you are entering into a time of great joy, personal freedom, happiness, and success in life. You may receive good news, have a celebration, or achieve a major milestone. In the light of The Sun, you are able to face any obstacles with a positive attitude and move forward for the better.
Overall, the Sun encourages you to look on the bright side. Celebrate yourself. Enjoy your life! Choose your health and happiness; this will increase your vitality. Think positive thoughts and focus on what is working in your life – positive thinking has the ability to alter your reality and change outcomes. Get outside; enjoy the beauty, medicine, and magic of nature. Be yourself. Immerse yourself in the present moment. Create! Engage in activities that make your heart sing. Relax and allow yourself to be free, open, honest, and playful. Commune and have fun with people you love and trust. Spread the love.
The Sun Reversed
The Sun Reversed reveals losing belief in someone or something. It is fear of happiness. Gloomy joy/feeling good yet with some qualms. Can be a sign of illness or poor health. Being unrealistic or fantasizing about potential outcomes. Relationship conflict or strife. Feeling exposed or battered after a violent confrontation with a once-trusted person. Lacking trust. Being conceited or haughty. Moderate enthusiasm. Working against others’ interests.
In reverse, the Sun means that the light is still there, just like the upright Sun, you just may not be able to see it or feel it now. The guidance of the Sun in reverse is to accept that when there is Sun, there is also shadow.
This reversal is a sign that close relationships may begin to develop issues or that being open and vulnerable now can lead to you being hurt. Be cautious and prudent with what you share and who you share with. You may also need to be more realistic and stop daydreaming about what ‘could be’ – return to the here and now. Temper your enthusiasm and watch out for over-confidence, as this may cause trouble now. Guard yourself against attitudes of pride, cockiness, or egoism. Allow your body time to relax and recharge – tend to your health.
(tarot decks are hyperlinked to each photo throughout this post; we may earn a commission should you purchase a deck.)
The Sun as a Person
The Sun tarot card represents a gifted individual with natural brilliance and a lively persona. Sprightly and charismatic, their energy can’t help but be felt, even if they don’t say a word. They are charged with creativity, compassion, and love for life!
The Sun is someone who has walked through the uncertain, shadowy path of The Moon and arrived at a place of light, truth, happiness, and success. They are confident people who have learned how to retain their child-like spirit and joy. You’ll rarely hear this person complain or spread negativity.
Although they are generally free-flowing spirits who like to have fun, Sun tarot people are quick to get serious when needed and exercise their sharp intellect when the time calls. The Sun person is extremely intelligent and self-aware, and they usually hold high ideals and hopes for the world. They are deeply compassionate as well and have huge, generous hearts – they are quick to help those in need and make wonderful friends, leaders, and teachers. The Sun indicates someone whose personality and soul shines.
The Sun tarot card in a reading may also represent someone with prominent Leo placements in their astrological birth chart as The Sun card is associated with the Leo zodiac sign.
The Sun (Reversed) as a Person
The Sun reversed can represent many types of personalities, ranging from someone who is selfish, childish, depressed, low in confidence, or all of the above! When The Sun falls in reverse, it loses its original ability to shine its light like the upright Sun. For whatever reason, this person has lost their touch to their inner light.
Outwardly, they may appear to be extremely stubborn, stuck-up, and spoiled – people in their life may not take them too seriously because of this or may feel that The Sun Reversed person sucks the fun out of situations. They can act overly confident, self-centered, and demanding of others.
The Sun in reverse can also show someone who has had a rather traumatic past or upbringing. Perhaps they didn’t have a healthy childhood or loving, warm relationships in their life, so internally they always feel like something is missing. They can be cold or closed-off personalities externally, however, on the inside, they are often desperate for attention, affection, and security. They may feel like a social outcast or struggle to express themselves fully in front of others; low self-esteem and lack of confidence could plague them.
The Sun as Feelings
The Sun tarot card generally represents positivity, joy, success, vitality, and confidence. Romantically, the Sun indicates that someone feels happy, excited, and passionate about their relationship with you. They may feel a strong sense of connection and love for you and feel optimistic about the future of your relationship. Their feelings for you are on fire and flourishing!
As for how someone feels about you, the Sun card suggests that this person sees you as a source of happiness and positive energy in their life. They may admire your confidence, your ability to radiate positivity, and your sunny disposition. They may feel grateful to have you in their life and may look forward to spending time with you. In a non-romantic context, it could mean that they feel that you are someone who brings light and positivity to their world; they may appreciate your friendship and feel grateful to have you in their life. They may also see you as someone who has a lot of potential and is capable of achieving great things.
The Sun (Reversed) as Feelings
When the Sun tarot card appears reversed, it can indicate a temporary setback or delay in achieving success or happiness. When it comes to love, it could mean that the person you’re asking about has some doubts or concerns about the relationship. They may feel like the relationship is not progressing as they had hoped or that there are some obstacles in the way. They may also feel a bit down or disappointed about the relationship.
In a general context, the Sun in reverse could mean that someone feels a bit let down or disappointed by you. They may have had high expectations for you or the relationship, and they may feel like things are not living up to those expectations. They may also feel like you are not being your true self or that there is some kind of deception or hidden agenda.
The Sun: Yes or No
The Sun tarot card is generally considered a highly positive card, so it is often interpreted as a “yes” in a yes or no reading. The Sun is a symbol of success, happiness, and optimistic outcomes, so if it appears in a yes or no reading, it can be seen as a strong indication that the answer is yes.
That being said, as always, it is important to remember that tarot readings are not always definitive and can be influenced by many factors, including the specific question being asked and the context of the reading. Trust your intuition!
The Sun (Reversed): Yes or No
While the Sun reversed suggests that there may be some setbacks or delays, it is not necessarily a straightforward “no” in a yes or no reading. The reversed Sun may reveal that there are some obstacles to overcome or some issues to work through before the desired outcome can be achieved.
Therefore, if the question being asked is a simple yes or no question, and the Sun appears reversed, it may not necessarily mean a definitive “no,” but rather a suggestion to focus on addressing the obstacles or issues before moving forward.
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