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Three of Swords Tarot Card
Belonging to the Suit of Swords of the Minor Arcana, the Three of Swords tarot card represents heartbreak, betrayal, and separation, as well as healing, forgiveness, and release.
The Three of Swords is a card that strikes fear in the hearts of many tarot readers and querents alike. Its image of a heart pierced by three swords is a powerful symbol of emotional pain, heartbreak, and betrayal. The traditional Rider Waite-Smith deck shows a heart pierced by three swords, with a stormy background symbolizing the turmoil of the seeker’s emotions. In general, it’s considered to be a card that signals a time of deep sadness and hurt.
In the Tarot, swords represent the intellect and the mind, while the heart is a symbol of emotions and feelings. The Three of Swords brings these two aspects together, showing the pain and heartbreak that can result from intellectual analysis and overthinking. The three swords represent a severe emotional wound, inflicted by the sudden realization of betrayal or heartbreak.
Esoterically, the Three of Swords is often associated with the Kabbalistic concept of “Binah,” which represents the transformative power of pain and suffering. It’s believed that going through heartbreak and emotional turmoil can lead to deeper insight and wisdom, helping us move forward with greater strength and understanding.
The Three of Swords can also be seen as an invitation to confront painful truths and let go of illusions that no longer serve us. This process can be painful and difficult, but it’s necessary for personal growth and spiritual evolution. By proactively facing and learning from our pain, we may emerge stronger and wiser.
Some questions the Three of Swords invites you to ponder…
- Think about a time when you experienced heartbreak or emotional pain. How did you feel? What emotions did you experience? Did you feel like your heart had been pierced by a sword?
- Consider a situation where you felt betrayed by someone you trusted. What did you learn from that experience? Did you gain any insights or wisdom from the pain?
- Reflect on the role of the mind and the heart in your life. Do you tend to rely more on your intellect or your emotions? How do these two aspects of yourself interact with each other?
- Consider a situation where you were overthinking or analyzing a situation, to the point where it caused you emotional pain. What can you learn from that experience? How can you find a balance between your mind and your heart?
- Think about the concept of “Binah” and the transformative power of pain and suffering. Can you think of a time when going through a difficult experience led to personal growth or spiritual understanding?
In this post, we’ll be going over the Three of Swords’ Upright and Reversed meanings, as well as the Three of Swords as a person (or significator), the Three of Swords as feelings, and the Three of Swords as a yes or no. Whether you are a seasoned tarot reader or just beginning to explore the world of divination, the Three of Swords offers valuable insights and guidance for navigating life’s challenges with wisdom, discernment, and inner peace.
Three of Swords Keywords
Upright: | celebration, socializing, friendship, community, happiness, joy, abundance, creativity, collaborations, harmony, gratitude, fulfillment |
Reversed: | overindulgence, excess, gossip, conflicts, disconnection, jealousy, competition, misunderstandings, lack of harmony, betrayal, disappointment, unfulfillment |
Elemental: | Air |
Zodiac: | Libra |
Number: | 3 (creativity, growth, manifestation) |
Yes or No | No |
Don’t have time to read? Check out this helpful video for key meanings of the Three of Swords Tarot card!
Three of Swords (Upright)
In a tarot reading, the upright Three of Swords is an indication that the seeker may be experiencing heartache, emotional suffering, or a breach of trust. The seeker may be experiencing emotional distress as a result of overthinking or overanalyzing a situation.
- HEARTBREAK: The Three of Swords often represents emotional pain and heartbreak, whether from a breakup, betrayal, or loss. It can mean that you’re experiencing significant pain and sadness, and may need to take time to heal and process your emotions.
- BETRAYAL: Sometimes, this card may show that you’ve been betrayed or let down by someone you trusted. You might be feeling hurt, angry, or resentful, and may need to work through these emotions in order to move forward.
- GREIF: Grief or loss, whether from the death of a loved one or another significant change, are also represented by the Three of Swords. It can mean that you’re feeling overwhelmed or powerless, and may need to find ways to cope and heal.
- EMOTIONAL TURMOIL: The Three of Swords can imply that you’re going througha big emotional upheaval during this time. You might be conflicted or uncertain about a situation, and may need to take time to sort through your feelings and gain clarity.
- NECESSARY PAIN: Sometimes, the Three of Swords can indicate that pain and difficulty are necessary for growth and transformation, so you may be going through a challenging experience that will ultimately help you to become stronger and more resilient.
If you draw the Three of Swords upright in a reading, it’s important to honor your feelings and give yourself space to process your emotions.
Don’t try to bury your pain or ignore it; instead, allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling, and express it in healthy ways. Seek out support from loved ones or a trusted therapist, and don’t be afraid to ask for help! The Three of Swords can also be a reminder to find a balance between your mind and your heart – try to connect with your emotions and intuition, rather than relying solely on rational analysis.
Three of Swords (Reversed)
When the Three of Swords appears reversed in a tarot reading, it often suggests that the seeker is beginning to heal from a period of heartbreak or emotional pain.
The worst may be over, and the seeker may be starting to feel a sense of closure or resolution. This reversal can also signify that the seeker is learning to let go of painful illusions or beliefs that no longer serve them.
- HEALING: The reversed Three of Swords often represents the process of healing from emotional pain and heartbreak, so when it appears, you might be starting to feel more positive and hopeful, and may be moving past a difficult period in your life.
- FORGIVENESS: This reversal can also show forgiveness and release, whether you’re forgiving yourself or someone else. It can mean that you’re learning to let go of old hurts and resentments, and may be moving towards a more peaceful and accepting mindset.
- CLOSURE: Along the same vein of foriveness, the Three of Swords in reverse can predict that you’re finally finding closure or resolution to a difficult situation – it may be a sign that you’re becoming more at peace with what happened, and may be ready to move on.
- MOVING ON: This reversal may also reflect that you’re starting to move forward from a past relationship or experience. You could be more open to new possibilities, and may be excited about what the future holds.
- OPTIMISM: Finally, the reversed Three of Swords often signals a more positive and hopeful outlook. Your mental state and mood could be improving, and as a result you might be feeling more optimistic about your life and relationships. This card shows you’re ready to embrace new opportunities.
If you draw the Three of Swords reversed in a reading, it’s important to continue to take care of yourself as you heal from emotional wounds.
While the worst may be over, it’s still important to honor your feelings and process them in healthy ways. Be gentle with yourself, and don’t try to rush the healing process. The Three of Swords reversed can also be a reminder to let go of illusions or beliefs that are no longer serving you. Be open to new perspectives and ways of thinking, and don’t be afraid to embrace change!
(tarot decks are hyperlinked to each photo throughout this post; we may earn a commission should you purchase a deck.)
Three of Swords as a Person
When the Three of Swords appears as a representation of a person in a tarot reading, it often signifies someone who is going through a time of heartache, suffering, or disillusionment.
This person may be struggling to process their emotions or feeling overwhelmed by their feelings. They may be experiencing deep sorrow or grief due to a significant loss, such as the end of a relationship, the loss of a loved one, or the realization that someone they trusted has betrayed them.
The Three of Swords as a person can also indicate someone who is experiencing internal conflict or turmoil. They could be going through a significant change or transition, and they may feel uncertain about their future or the path they’re on. This card can also point to someone that is experiencing a great deal of self-doubt or negative self-talk, which can be contributing to their emotional pain.
Generally, when the Three of Swords represents a person in a tarot reading, it suggests someone who is in need of support, empathy, and understanding. This person may be feeling alone or isolated, and they may benefit from seeking out the help of a trusted friend, family member, or therapist. By acknowledging their emotions and allowing themselves to feel their pain, they can begin to heal and move forward in a healthy and productive way.
Three of Swords (Reversed) as a Person
The Three of Swords in reverse represents someone who is starting to heal from a time of mental anguish, heartache, or loss. They may have gone through a challenging transition or experience, but they’re beginning to come out on the other side!
Often the reversed Three of Swords indicates that a person is starting to regain their sense of optimism and hope for the future. They may be feeling more positive and confident about themselves and their abilities. This individual may be learning to forgive themselves or others for past mistakes, and they may be more open to the possibility of new relationships or experiences.
All in all, the Three of Swords reversed as a person suggests someone who has overcome significant emotional challenges and is on the path to healing and recovery. They may be feeling more empowered, resilient, and capable than they have in the past. It’s important to remember, however, that healing is a process, and this person may still have some emotional work to do. Patience, self-compassion, and continued self-care can help them stay on track and continue to grow and thrive!
Three of Swords as Feelings
When the Three of Swords appears as an indication of feelings in a tarot reading, it often suggests deep emotional pain, betrayal, or heartbreak. This card is often associated with the feeling of grief or sadness and may indicate that someone is experiencing a significant loss or setback.
In the context of romantic feelings, the Three of Swords can reveal feelings of loss or disappointment in a relationship. It can indicate that someone is feeling rejected, hurt, or betrayed by someone they care about deeply. They may be struggling to come to terms with the end of a relationship, or they could be feeling a sense of disillusionment or despair about love and relationships in general.
That being said, it’s important to remember that the Three of Swords doesn’t necessarily indicate the end of a relationship or that all hope is lost! Instead, it means that someone is going through a difficult time emotionally and that they may need to process their feelings in order to move forward. It can be a call to lean on loved ones for support, seek professional help if needed, and give yourself permission to grieve and heal in your own time.
Three of Swords (Reversed) as Feelings
The Three of Swords reversed in the context of feelings means that someone is starting to heal from a period of emotional pain or heartbreak. This reversal can show that someone is beginning to move past a difficult experience or transition and is starting to feel more positive and hopeful.
When it comes to love, the Three of Swords reversed often speaks of someone is starting to recover from a past relationship or disappointment – they may be feeling more optimistic about love and relationships, and may be open to the possibility of new connections. It can also suggest that someone is learning to forgive themselves or others for past mistakes, and is starting to let go of old hurts and resentments.
The Three of Swords reversed as feelings may reveal that the person in question still has some work to do in order to fully move past their pain, but they’re on the right track! This reversal can be a reminder to practice self-care and self-compassion, and to trust the healing process as it unfolds. By continuing to focus on positive emotions and experiences, this person can create a brighter future for themselves and those around them.
Three of Swords: Yes or No
When the Three of Swords appears as a yes or no answer in a tarot reading, it’s likely that the answer is “no.” This card suggests a period of heartbreak or emotional pain, and it may not be the right time to move forward with a particular decision or action.
Three of Swords (Reversed): Yes or No
When the Three of Swords reversed appears as a yes or no answer in a tarot reading, it’s possible that the answer is “yes,” but with some reservations. While the worst may be over and healing may be taking place, it’s still important to proceed with caution and take care of yourself emotionally.
Key Takeaway
In conclusion, the Three of Swords can be a difficult card to encounter in a tarot reading, but it’s also a powerful reminder of the transformative power of pain and suffering.
Whether it appears upright or reversed, the Three of Swords invites us to confront our emotions, honor our feelings, and find ways to heal and grow from difficult experiences. By embracing the wisdom of this card, we can emerge stronger, wiser, and more compassionate toward ourselves and others.
That’s all for the Three of Swords tarot card meanings! To learn more about the Tarot, check out our Tarot Guide for Beginners, or explore the meanings of the rest of the cards!
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