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The observable Universe contains one billion trillion stars.
Even while that amount is enormous, consider the billions of secret worlds and planets. Consider the distances we still need to cover.
Consider the notion that there is no such thing as time and that everything in the universe is constantly expanding or evolving.
Could it be that there are a dynamically changing number of stars, galaxies, planets, and realms?
If so, your birth on Earth would either have to have been a coincidence, a planned occurrence, or a prenatal decision.
As amorphous, wandering souls, we must take into account not only this planet but also countless others spread over the billions of galaxies, universes, and planets, as well as several spacetime continuums. Our souls could well have incarnated in a thousand other galaxies in this manner a thousand times. Additionally, we may even be leading joint, concurrent lives across a number of locations and spacetime platforms.
Does your soul hail from another planet or star system? If so, you’re a Starseed.
A Starseed is a mature soul who has traveled from other solar systems or star constellations and has lain dormant for a long time. They have taken on numerous forms on Earth throughout the course of several incarnations in other star systems.
You may be sensing your soul’s link to a previous or future life if you have ever felt a connection to a brilliant planet or dazzling cluster of stars in the night sky. Since you are made of cosmic dust and were shaped with divine light, you may have even felt this connection profoundly in your being from birth.
You might be aware that you’re a starseed, but did you know there are different types of starseeds depending on their origins?
In this post, we’ll be exploring thirteen different types of starseeds and provide common physical and spiritual characteristics of each, so you can find out what kind of starseed you are!
As you read through each type of Starseed and its common traits, keep in mind these traits vary by person. It’s likely you’ve even lived in more than one of these star systems and have picked up traits from a few of those lives!
Don’t forget that this list isn’t a complete list of ALL types of starseeds, but the ones that most often incarnate on Mother Earth, or Terra.
If a specific type resonates with you, it’s likely this is what type you are! You can also write down which traits you have and which starseed types resonate – this will help you figure out which type of Starseed you are.
- What Kind of Starseed Are You?
Orion starseeds originate in the constellation of Orion.
The Orion constellation is home to several creatures that have migrated there from other star systems. Therefore, if you are an Orion starseed, it is likely that you have had previous incarnations in other star systems.
The incarnation you had more recently prior to your earthly one might be Orion, though. In one of your recent past lives, you might have resided on one of the planets or stars in the Orion constellation.
Mintaka was a paradise planet in the Orion constellation with waterways that sparkled like diamonds. Some people think that the Mintaka Seas are where whales and dolphins first appeared.
Mintaka no longer exists, but it is believed that many Orion starseeds on Earth have come from there. The features of both Orion and Mintakan starseeds are discussed below (which would be anyone from elsewhere in the Orion constellation).
Mintakan Signs & Traits:
- Strongly attracted to the water element, you adore everything about the ocean, the beach, and bodies of water.
- Strong desire to “ascend” spiritually and aid others as well
- A strong connection to whales and dolphins
- Dreams of swimming or living in lakes and oceans that are so sparkling they appear filled with diamonds
- High degrees of sensitivity to other beings; empathic
Orion Starseed Traits:
- Science-oriented humans are Orion Starseed traits. You’ll be fascinated by everything related to science, including chemistry, astronomy, genetics, etc.
- Highly intellectual and primarily motivated by thought
- Non-emotional; learning how to embrace and experience emotion
- Strong sense of humor; can be the life of the party, upbeat
- Staunch in their opinions, not easily swayed
- “Jack of all trades”: they are self-controlled and knowledgeable about many various subjects, but they could come out as emotionally detached (often unintentionally)
- A fascination with prehistoric communities and cultures that were adept at integrating many technologies
- Entrepreneurs: are task-oriented, see things through, and are deeply invested in the details and the process. They frequently manifest as earth signs (Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus)
- Their primary interest is knowledge, and they prioritize reasoning
- Some Orion starseeds have captivating, sky-blue or ice-blue eyes (though there are many Orion starseeds with all eye colors)
You can read more about Orion Starseeds here: their origins, connection to mythology, traits, and practices.
Arcturians are a subclass of starseed that originated from the red massive star Arcturus in the Bootes constellation. Arcturus is known as the home of the Egyptian deity of wisdom Thoth.
Arcturian starseeds are advanced star beings from another realm that frequently take human form.
Among us, the innovators, leaders, and visionaries are Arcturian starseeds—powerhouses of fortitude, wisdom, and spiritual power. Arcturian starseeds are characterized as having a strong will and potent masculine energy.
They are action-takers as opposed to deeply emotional feelers and creators as opposed to deep thinkers. They offer to Earth fundamental, ancient knowledge that has been firmly embedded in their soul DNA for countless ages by forgotten civilizations.
Through channeling and divination, it is possible to communicate with them. Some people think that on the way back from death, we travel through the Arcturian realm.
Arcturian Starseed Traits:
- Excellent public speaking skills and leadership qualities are characteristics of Arcturian Starseeds.
- Don’t fear death but are extremely passionate about technology Can occasionally come off as cocky or have a huge ego
- People with darker skin who are adept in mathematics and have an interest in metaphysics, particularly sacred geometry (but again Arcuturian starseeds vary in appearance)
- Planners: they like to make plans for practically everything and follow them. They are kind, yet appear to hold in their emotions.
- When offended or upset, they may exhibit anger as a form of emotion.
- Individuals with a thirst for success who are self-assured
- Choose occupations in technology, architecture, invention, science, math, statistics, or medical advancement.
- Choose occupations in technology, architecture, invention, science, math, statistics, or medical advancement.
- Highly intelligent and ambitious individuals
- perceive themselves as the family’s “black sheep,”
- Highly intelligent and ambitious individuals
- Enjoys attention and appreciation
- Out of tune with their emotions; they are here to learn to connect with their heart space
- Problems with sensory processing very sensitive to noises, scents, textures, and colors
- Low-temperature bodily state (not due to other health causes)lower blood pressure (again not due to any foreseeable illness)
A species of starseed from the Pleiades star system is known as a Pleiadian.
There are seven brilliant stars in the Pleiades. Pleiadians can take an earthly form from any of the various dimensions in which they reside.
Natives of the sparkling Pleiades star cluster are extremely creative, compassionate beings. They arose in a place of passion and imagination and now reside in the fifth dimension.
They both serve as lights and sources of knowledge, guiding humanity toward the Golden Age of Transformation. As spiritual healers, they are driven to roles that require healing and integration because their heart and crown chakras pulse at such a powerful frequency.
Pleiadian Starseed Traits:
- Mild temperament and demeanor
- Humanitarians who are compassionate and soft-spoken
- Empathic: able to sense and absorb the energies of others and, when they are aligned, transform them.
- Usually tall and slim, with blonde hair and blue eyes (but individual differences do apply!
- Maybe possessing DNA that is Norse or Northern European
- LOVE is everything, and they want to share that love with everyone.
- High cheekbones, long limbs, and powerful jawlines
- High cheekbones, long limbs, and powerful jawlines
- Family-oriented
- Pleasing people can sometimes be a problem since it allows them to be taken advantage of
- Pleasing people can sometimes be a problem since it allows them to be taken advantage of on their sleeves with their hearts
- When they are young, they feel unique and as though they have a significant purpose for being on earth.
- Understand the polarities of male/female, yin/yang, the sun/moon, above/below, and are balanced themselves may experience food allergies, sensory problems, and anxiety when they are out of balance.
The constellation of Draco is where draconian starseeds originate. Since the name Draco means “dragon,” numerous Draconian starseeds have ties to various sorts of reptiles and dragons.
Draco is the ancestor of the reptilian race, Lifgarians, grays, and other Draconians. While some Draconians are self-centered and some even label them as negative or “evil,” others are here to assist humanity to awaken and develop consciousness.
The trauma chain-breakers of our era are draconian starseeds. They are all here to dismantle the systems and structures that trap individuals in this never-ending cycle of suffering. On a personal level, this may manifest as choosing to speak out for the weaker among us, breaking ancestor-related patterns, or healing dysfunctional family patterns.
They make excellent therapists, educators, managers, scientists, engineers, and business leaders. If they are in the appropriate position, they can achieve a near-perfect balance between power and action in order to usher in needed change.
In particular, discussions about Grays and Reptilians will be polarizing. But YOU are the only person online who truly knows your heart!
Draconian Starseed Traits:
- Drawn to the sciences, mathematics, and technology,
- Leaders in their professions and communities
- Have a hard time when authority figures
- Cunning and manipulative but also desire to bring people together and work toward a shared objective
- They are skilled at organizing and coordinating activities, and they always finish what they start.
- An affinity for reptiles, amphibians, and dragons,
- May have lizard-like physical characteristics: thin, long faces, thin bodies, lizard-like eyes, and facial features
- Lower body temperature attracted to the warmth of the sun (prefer warmer climates)
- The ability to blend in like a “chameleon”
- Look for employment in the armed forces, government, military, architecture, and construction
(The Greys) Grey Starseed Characteristics:
It is thought that the majority of Greys living on Earth are descended from or were inhabitants of one of the planets in the Orion constellation.
Because they have fought many devastating battles with other ETs of this world, those from Orion have a very bad reputation in most of the esoteric UFO/ET/alien literature. The so-called Orion Group is actually an Empire, and these “crusaders” established bases on Earth, Mars, and the now-destroyed Maldek.
If you’re a Grey starseed, you may have always been misunderstood because of your larger head and smaller body size, lack of body hair, and deep interest in DNA and human genetics (maybe you even have a career in this field). Other Grey starseed traits include:
- low-temperature bodily state
- an interest or occupation in healing and/or medicine
- you may have a photographic memory
- extremely awakened spiritually
- dark brown (almost black) eyes
- you’re drawn to the Dracos constellation
- an interest or occupation in healing and/or medicine
- You struggle with vulnerability and expressing your feelings to others
- you perform at your best within a well-organized team
Reptilian Starseed Traits:
As high-leveled, old souls who have already lived on Earth many times, Reptilian starseeds are immensely clever.
Reptilians originate from a realm of great vibration in the Draco constellation, and they frequently have wisdom and understanding that is superior to that of humans.
Many Reptilian starseeds are said to be present on Earth right now, repairing and reversing the actions and attitudes of the Dark Reptilians who live among us.
These amazing beings have a natural ability to heal and are frequently drawn to complementary therapies like energy therapy, botanicals, and crystals. They frequently possess exceptional psychic ability and intuition.
Some common traits of Reptilian starseeds include:
- Low-temperature bodily state
- You notice that you’re cold more often than not
- You are drawn to reptiles and amphibians, such as lizards, turtles, and snakes and you yearn for warm weather and the sun (without having thyroid or other medical conditions).
- You’re good at blending in, like a chameleon
- You’ve had visions and dreams of the Ouroboros symbol
- You’re a natural leader and work well leading a team, organization, or government
- You don’t feel right being at the bottom of the hierarchy
- Inventing and creating new ways to accomplish old tasks is your thing!
- People frequently describe you as “cold” or devoid of emotions, which has caused you to be misunderstood your whole life
Since the dawn of time, the Dog Star Sirius has captivated humankind.
Sirians are a kind of Starseed that is calm, compassionate, and creative. These souls come from the planets Sirius A and Sirius B, which are both in the constellation Canis Major, or the “dog star.”
They are a race that is incredibly committed to what they believe in.
It’s interesting to think that the Sirians engaged with Ancient Egypt, contributing new technologies to the construction of the Great Pyramids and imparting their immense knowledge to the populace. Anubis, the god, is thought to have been a Sirian entity.
Sirian Starseed Traits:
- Drawn to lost civilizations and ancient cultures
- Drawn to the star system Sirius
- Have a love for canines: dogs, wolves, etc.
- “Salt of the earth” type people: spiritual individuals that also embrace the ways of the earth
- Even-keeled, very hard to anger
- Don’t express their emotions well; have a hard time with communication in relationships; may be seen as “closed-off”
- Intense day-dreamers
- Interest in magic, metaphysics, witchcraft, and alternative healing
- May have Lyran starseed traits, particularly cat-like or lion-like traits
- Love science fiction books and movies
- Maintain a few close friends instead of many casual friends and acquaintances
- Creative individuals: love the arts, crafts, writing, etc.
- Feel they have a mission to save the planet or to defend animal rights
- Sacral and throat chakra alignment
- Enjoy tattoos and piercings and expressing themselves artistically through clothing and accessories
- May feel a deep connection to the water element, the ocean, and oceanic beings like whales, dolphins, etc.
- May have had a fascination with mermaids since childhood
- Have a relationship with one or more ascended masters
- Task-oriented
- If not a love for dogs may have a love for cats
- Great sense of humor and silliness
- May have cat-like, dog-like, or mermaid-like physical characteristics
The Lyran starseeds, highly intelligent, advanced beings that come from Vega, the brightest planet in the Lyra constellation, are known as the original guardians of ancient knowledge.
The earliest humans are thought to have come from Lyra. Other ancient races from Lyra include the Feline and Avian races, which helped found Atlantis and ancient Egypt, as well as a great deal of the old world on Earth.
Lyrans who have not taken on the human form are often found in the upper dimensions, particularly those starting in the sixth dimension and higher.
These starseeds are the true pleasure-seekers among us, savoring the delicacies, beverages, cultures, and eccentricities of our world. They understand from their older, wiser selves that it serves no use to look back or long for the past. Instead, they only opt to focus on the present and the future.
Lyran Feline Starseed Traits:
- A catlike appearance: catlike eyes (upturned almond-shaped eyes & catlike nose)
- Enjoy physical labor; hard worker
- Take great pleasure in good & exotic food, beverage, relationships, etc.
- Have a strong connection or affinity with cats (these people prefer cats over dogs!)
- Athletic in nature – enjoy exercise
- Have the ability to shift consciousness easily
- Need more sleep than the typical human being (9+ hours)
- Grounded yet also a risk taker
- Feel drawn to the lost civilization of Atlantis
- Fear or dream of drowning & big waves
- Drawn to the Sphinx in Egypt
- Musically talented: play an instrument, sing (well) and/or dance
- Artistic and creative in nature
- Have an aversion to the water element
- Enjoy social environments but prefer to observe rather than be the “life of the party”
- Fiercely independent
- Have goals but get distracted easily (start projects with ferocity then end up abandoning them if they get bored)
- Love to travel & explore – have a catlike curiosity
- Drawn to or called by cat deities like Bastet & Sekhmet
- Often incarnate into fire zodiac signs, particularly Leo & Sagittarius
Lyran Avian Starseed Traits:
- Feeling like you’ve been incarnating since the dawn of time (feeling like an extremely old soul)
- Dreams & visions of flying to different planes of existence or to other planets
- A birdlike appearance: you may have a thin face with a pointed/beaklike nose, etc.
- Feeling a tingling, heavy, or pulling sensation between your shoulder bones (where a pair of wings would be)
- Artistic: you may play an instrument, sing, dance, write, paint, craft, etc.
- Have a bright blue aura
- Drawn to royal blue & other shades of blue
- Being a true visionary: creativity at its maximum & then producing your ideas in reality
- Positive, uplifting personality
- Must feel freedom in their spiritual path & show others the same kind of respect
- Have a deep connection with birds – birds seem to follow or gravitate toward you
- You see things from a high level but can also see the most minute of details clearly
- Speaking your mind & owning your truth may be a challenge or your greatest asset
- You spiritually work with bird deities, specifically Thoth & Isis
- Have an affinity for the air element
The Hathors are another name for Venusians, who reside in the fourth dimension. The Ancient Egyptian cow-goddess of love and motherhood named Hathor allegedly came from Venus and planted Venusians on Earth to anchor in compassion and love.
Venusian starseeds were here hundreds of thousands of years ago to aid humanity in its growth, particularly during the age of ancient Egypt, just as the Sirians, Pleiadians, Arcturians, and many other Starseeds were.
Along with assisting other Starseeds and all of humanity in their spiritual awakening, ascension into the five-dimensional state of being, and ascension to the new earth, this is part of their ultimate goal. One of their most admirable traits is their unmatched capacity for love, which they radiate to everyone with.
Venusian (Hathor) Starseed Traits:
- Venusian starseeds are often very tall and slender
- Sensual and passionate individuals – may have a hard time committing to one mate
- Nurturing and compassionate
- Highly spiritual beings: sometimes to a fault and need to be reminded or taught how to ground themselves (high up in their head chakras)
- Feel very connected to the universe, higher self, and guides
- Interest in outer space and ancient civilizations
- Can be labeled as “flighty”
- Huge interest in metaphysics and bringing the “new age” in
- Drawn to ancient Egypt and, namely, the goddess Hathor as well as Venus and Aphrodite
- Often attractive individuals with coveted facial features (women are very feminine and men are masculine and model-like)
- Interested in alternative healing modes, particularly using sound and ritual
A person on Earth whose soul originated on Mars is known as a Martian starseed. Because Mars is their home, Martian starseeds typically have a strong sense of loyalty to the planet.
According to legend, Martians arrived on Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago to assist in the process of human evolution.
Others contend that the presence of water on the red planet supports their theory that life once lived in this realm on Mars. The origins of Martian starseeds are disputed; little is known about them.
Few people on Earth have a strong interest in Mars. For the majority of us, this planet is distant and has little bearing on our daily survival. But if you discover that you have a strong interest in Mars and even a desire to visit it, this is a surefire indication that you are a Martian starseed.
Martian Starseed Traits:
- Being drawn to the planet Mars (finding a desire to travel there or interested in the colonization of Mars)
- Have a desire to advance the human race
- A strong connection to water and fire elements
- Have memories and dreams of being on the surface of Mars
The Andromeda galaxy, which lies outside of our own, is where the Andromedan starseeds come from.
It is thought that our galaxy and theirs are connected spiritually. Andromedan starseeds are a rare breed, and there are fewer of them on Earth than other starseeds.
Andromedans are Beings of Light who are committed to bringing cutting-edge scientific advancements and all-natural healing methods to the entire Universe. They also work to promote peace and togetherness among other star nations.
In the seventh dimension, andromedans serve as defenders.
Andromedan Starseed Traits:
- Easy to talk to & great communicators
- Meek or mild in nature and mannerisms
- Laid-back personality
- Have a light aura and are often thought of as “pure” or light beings
- Act or look child-like
- Quiet or tend to “stay in the background” to observe others
- Love their freedom
- Have a strong desire to travel and explore (i.e. many go backpacking or give up their jobs to follow their dreams of exploring the world)
- Often can’t stay in monogamous relationships, have a “commitment problem”
- emotionally guarded and avoid conflict as much as possible
- Tall, thin earthly bodies
- Often find jobs in the arts and spiritual practices: artists, musicians, teachers, spiritual leaders, tarot readers, writers, etc.
- Carefree lifestyle
The “North Star” Polaris is where the Polarian starseeds originate.
I’ve also read books that claim the Polarians were the “first” extraterrestrial spiritual beings to inhabit this planet. They were giants back then in terms of height.
The world’s divine creators, shapeshifters, and explorers are Polarian starseeds. The ability to heal using only their energy and intentions, intention, and creative ability makes them some of the most gifted healers I’ve ever encountered.
They infuse this chaotic environment with a profound sense of calm, harmony, and balance.
They carry out their task in secrecy by blending in. They lack the magnetic personalities that occasionally characterize other varieties, including Lyran, Sirian, Arcturian, and Martian starseeds.
Polarian Starseed Traits:
- Highly spiritual individuals
- Drawn to the North Star Polaris and other dimensions
- Yearn to know more about human origins and the ascension process
- Empathic abilities
- Most are very tall in height
- Androgynous or nonbinary
- Feel as if you’ve been on earth for millions of years
- Feel natural catastrophes like earthquakes within their bodies and souls
- In tune with the earth’s energies and feel shifts in seasons, etc.
- Mediators: they keep two sides from fighting and often unite others
- May have memories or dreams of the lost civilization of Lemuria
- Love being monogamous and make great husbands and wives (value partnership and teamwork)
- Seem to be “lucky” in finances and can gain wealth easily (but this is because they’re hard workers and team players)
- Interested in metaphysics and spiritual enlightenment
- Feel they have an important purpose on earth but sometimes don’t know what that is
- Prefer stability & shy away from sudden changes
Hadarian starseeds, a distant and ancient race of people descended from Hadar, also known as Beta Centauri, are regarded as the world’s real star travelers.
According to legend, these ethereal creatures are masters of the art of manifestation and are endowed with wisdom and knowledge that are uncommon on Earth.
The Hadarian starseeds are thought to be responsible for directing Earth’s humanitarian growth because the Arabic word hadar means “to be present,” “on the ground,” or “settled and civilized.”
They are here to spread unconditional love. According to legend, a tyrant race of aliens attacked the Hadarian planet, and the inhabitants fled to avoid being captured. Many people came here because of the trauma they experienced.
Hadarian (Beta Centaurian) Starseed Traits:
- All about LOVE, unconditional love
- Because of their loving nature, sometimes taken advantage of by others because of their pure way of loving others
- These are the individuals who want nothing more in life than to have strong relationships with others: romantic, friendships, etc.
- May come across as “hippies”, preaching free love
- Feel happier and more fulfilled when in a relationship (even if it’s a toxic one, unfortunately)
- Here to learn how to love others AND themselves along with the power of free will
- Empathic abilities: can feel the emotions of other beings including animals and plants
- Shy or introverted until they get to know you
- Goals are not aligned with money or financial success – they want to help others
- Find jobs in the corporate world where they become a part of the team, counselors, philanthropists, humanitarians
The closest star and planetary system to ours, the Alpha Centauri star system, is where Alpha Centaurian starseeds originate.
It’s thrilling to know that science has determined Alpha Centauri contains a planet that is livable. Nevertheless, it presumably differs from Earth. The superior civilization known as the Alpha Centaurians has left some of its souls on Earth to help enhance our civilization.
The race of cosmic Alpha Centaurians is straightforward, sincere, reflective, peaceful, and moral. They adhere to a strict ascension path and want to aid others in ascending into Source consciousness.
They are physically similar to us, having light skin and medium-sized, aquamarine eyes that are incredibly sensitive. They are tall, possess big hands and feet, and also have acute hearing. Their bodies are also more slender and lightweight than ours with delicate, nimble bones.
Alpha Centaurian Starseed Traits:
- Your favorite color is purple/violet
- You have a career or are seeking a career in the scientific field
- Since you were a child, people have said you were “scary smart”
- You’ve enjoyed building and inventing things related to biology and chemistry since a young age
- Centaurs (the mythical half-man half-horse) have always fascinated you
- You’re drawn to the Centaurus constellation
- Knowledge and wisdom are your top priority in life
- You feel people around you aren’t at your level of intelligence (but you aren’t necessarily egotistical or boastful about it)
- You don’t like being in crowds, you prefer being alone in a quiet space
- People tell you you’re “complicated”, particularly in romantic relationships
- You might be judgmental of others and isolate yourself because of it
- You’re mostly a quiet individual and a daydreamer
- Independent and confident
Online research on the Annunaki will turn up a wide variety of conspiracy ideas.
Some individuals think the Annunaki are devils, hostile aliens in charge of world control, etc. According to our understanding of the Annunaki, they are a branch off of the Sirian civilization and were first involved in the creation of humans. They are frequently considered to be Sumerian gods because of their role in the creation of the earth, particularly in ancient Sumer.
A literal translation of the term “Anunnaki” is “those from the heavens above who are in the image and likeness of the human inhabitants of the earth.“
They occasionally have a bad reputation, much like the Greys or the Reptilians. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to keep in mind that not all are bad. Each and every sentient being is priceless, and they all have something to teach us in some way.
Annunaki Starseed Traits:
- Drawn to the ancient civilizations, specifically Sumer, Babylon, Akkadia, and Assyria
- Feel as if your soul is ancient, older than humanity
- You have a strong need for ritual in your life, both mundane and spiritual
- You’re drawn to shows like Ancient Aliens, specifically when focused on the Annunaki
- You have a longing to return to the skies
- A large head and particularly large almond-shaped eyes
- You favor the air element over the others
- You’re drawn to or work with ancient Sumerian, Babylonian, Akkadian, and Assyrian gods like Enlil, Enki, or Inanna Ishtar
- You have ancestry from the middle east
- You’ve had dreams of flying or are able to astral project into space easily
- The feeling of wings on your back – a tingling or heavy sensation between your shoulder blades
What Kind of Starseed Are You?
So, what kind of Starseed are you? Do you believe you can come from multiple star systems or constellations?
Which of these starseed types spoke to you? Have you determined what kind of starseed you are? Maybe you felt that more than one type of starseed resonated with you (which makes complete sense since the majority of starseeds have lived on multiple planets and star systems)!
There are many different types of starseeds, however, this list cannot include them all due to the size of the cosmos. Finally, we encourage you to read more about the stars and planets to discover more about the starseed types that resonated.