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Wheel of Fortune Tarot Card Meaning
Wheel of Fortune Tarot card meaning – The Wheel of Fortune is the 10th (X) card of the Major Arcana and represents change, fate, life cycles, luck, movement, and success.
The Wheel of Fortune card carries themes of destiny, risk, and chance. It is symbolic of the unexpected turning of events that we all experience in life.
The idea of change and fate has long been linked to the Wheel of Fortune. In Greek mythology, it is taught that three sisters were known as the ‘Fates‘, or the Moirai (Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos). They were the ones responsible for the fate of humans on Earth. The three Fates “represented the cycle of life, essentially standing for birth, life, and death. They would spin (Clotho), draw out (Lachesis) and cut (Atropos) the thread of life.” [1]https://greekreporter.com/2021/07/05/the-moirai-the-fates-of-greek-mythology/
The Wheel of Fortune tarot card is rich in spiritual and occult symbolism. In the middle of the card is a massive wheel with the four letters of the Hebrew Tetragrammaton (YHVH – a sacred name of God) inscribed on its surface. Interestingly, the word TORA is also spelled out, which has been argued to mean ‘TORAH’ (or ‘law‘), ‘TAROT’, or even ‘ROTA’ (Latin word for ‘wheel‘).
In the center of the wheel are alchemical symbols representing developmental power, the four elements, and building blocks of life – Mercury (air), Sulphur (fire), water, and salt (earth). On the left side of the wheel is a snake, or Typhon, the Egyptian god of evil. The snake also serves as a symbol of death, rebirth, and the creative life force (that is, the life force of Spirit/Source) descending into the physical realm. On the right of the wheel is Anubis, the Egyptian god of the dead who ushers souls into the underworld or afterlife. Anubis shows divine protection as well, as Anubis is a well-known protective symbol and safeguard to the deceased. [2]https://symbolsage.com/anubis-egyptian-god-of-death/#:~:text=people%20to%20achieve.-,Symbolism%20of%20Anubis,the%20deceased%20from%20vicious%20scavengers.
At the top sits the mighty Sphinx, representing divine knowledge, mystery, and strength. In the corners of the Wheel of Fortune card are four winged creatures. Each creature is associated with one of the fixed signs of the Zodiac: the bull is Taurus, the lion is Leo, the eagle is Scorpio, and the angel is Aquarius. Among the chaos, change, and movement of life, their wings bring them stability, strength, and support. They each hold the book of Torah, which signifies spiritual wisdom, law, and truth.
Being the 10th key of the Major Arcana, the Wheel of Fortune is strongly connected with the energy and significance of the number ten in numerology. The number 10 symbolizes fresh new beginnings, innovation, self-discovery, and independence, as does the Wheel of Fortune. [3]https://coriechu.com/blog/number-10-numerology#:~:text=What%20Does%20the%20Number%2010,Self%2DDiscovery
The main lesson that the Wheel of Fortune teaches us is that nothing truly lasts forever. The wheel of life (which is represented by this card) is constantly moving. Whether you are in a low season or a high season, the Wheel of Fortune reminds you that it is temporal and can only be experienced at that moment. This card can come as a message of dramatic changes on the horizon, spiritual awakenings, and lots of movement.
Through it all, the Wheel of Fortune invites you to go with the flow. Practice acceptance, and embrace transformations. The Wheel of Fortune says you are safe, divinely watched over, and protected as you cycle around the wheel of life. Through your incarnation on Earth, you will learn a vast amount of information very quickly through various catalysts of change. The knowledge and wisdom you gain through these experiences will serve your soul in this lifetime and on.
Some questions the Wheel of Fortune invites you to ponder…
- What changes have you experienced in your life recently? How have these changes affected you, and what have you learned from them?
- Reflect on your current life circumstances. Do you feel like you are in a place of stability and security, or are you facing uncertainty and upheaval? How can you navigate this situation with grace and resilience?
- Do you believe that everything happens for a reason, or do you feel like we are in control of our own lives?
- Consider the interconnectedness of all things. How do you see this concept playing out in your own life and relationships? How can you use this awareness to cultivate more compassion and empathy for others?
In this post, we’ll be going over the Wheel of Fortune’s Upright and Reversed meanings, as well as Wheel of Fortune as a person (or significator), the Wheel of Fortune as feelings, and the Wheel of Fortune as a yes or no. Whether you are a seasoned tarot reader or just beginning to explore the world of divination, the Wheel of Fortune offers valuable insights and guidance for navigating life’s challenges with wisdom, discernment, and inner peace.
The only constant in life is change.
– Heraclitus
Wheel of Fortune Keywords & Facts
Upright: | chance, change, life cycles, fate, fortune, luck, movement, risk |
Reversed: | bad luck, breaking cycles, misfortune, resistance, setbacks |
Energy: | Yang |
Element: | Fire |
Planet: | Jupiter |
Zodiac Sign: | Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius (fixed signs) |
Yes or No: | Yes |
Don’t have time to read? Check out this helpful video for key meanings of the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card!
Wheel of Fortune Upright
The Wheel of Fortune Tarot card is a powerful symbol of the cyclical nature of life and the inevitability of change. When it appears upright in a reading, it typically signifies a period of good luck, positive change, and unexpected opportunities.
At its core, this card represents the idea that life is constantly in motion and that everything is subject to change. It suggests that you may be experiencing a positive shift in your circumstances and new possibilities that this change may bring await you. You could be on the brink of a major life transition or turning point in your life, so take it as your sign that you should embrace this change with open arms and be willing to take risks in order to achieve your goals!
The Wheel of Fortune also reminds us that life is full of both ups and downs, and that we must be prepared to weather any storms that come our way. It encourages us to stay grounded and to trust in the natural ebb and flow of the universe. Overall, the Wheel of Fortune is a symbol of hope, optimism, and good fortune, and advises us to stay positive and to trust in the universe’s larger plan for our lives.
Wheel of Fortune Reversed
When the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card appears reversed in a reading, it can indicate a period of instability, bad luck, and unexpected changes. You may be feeling stuck and trapped in a difficult situation or struggling to regain control over your life.
This card in the reversed position can denote a sense of being unable to break free from negative patterns or cycles – you may feel as though you are constantly spinning your wheels and making little progress in your life. You could be resisting change or refusing to let go of old habits or beliefs that are no longer serving you.
The Wheel of Fortune reversed might also speak of a need for you to take responsibility for your own actions and to recognize that you have the power to shape your own destiny. It encourages you to stop blaming external circumstances for your problems and to take action to change the things that are within your control.
In a relationship reading, this card may show there is a lack of harmony or balance in your partnership; you and your partner may be experiencing conflict or a breakdown in communication.
Generally, the reversed Wheel of Fortune is a warning to be cautious and to tread carefully during this period of instability. It advises you to focus on what you can control and to let go of the things that are holding you back. With patience, persistence, and a willingness to adapt to change, you can overcome any challenges that come your way!
(tarot decks are hyperlinked to each photo throughout this post; we may earn a commission should you purchase a deck.)
Wheel of Fortune as a Person
The Wheel of Fortune tarot card represents someone who has a lot of wisdom and life experience, even if they are young in age. This person could have gone through many personal transformations in their life, ultimately becoming stronger and wiser for it. At their best, people represented by the Wheel of Fortune are kind, balanced, spiritually enlightened, highly intuitive, and highly intelligent.
This is a person who has a deep understanding of the dualities in life. Some could be mystics and may even be into the occult or metaphysical sciences. The Wheel of Fortune individual knows how to navigate the ups and downs in life. They celebrate their wins and endure their losses just as well. Mentally and emotionally strong, they are unafraid of the ebbs and flows of life because they know all is temporary. They can be very patient people who have mastered the art of acceptance. By taking everything in stride, Wheel of Fortune people truly live in a state of freedom and flow.
Wheel of Fortune as Feelings
When it comes to matters of the heart, things may not always be stable or predictable with the Wheel of Fortune Tarot card. Romantically, it can indicate a powerful attraction to someone who brings a sense of excitement and unpredictability into your life. You may feel that this is someone who can bring positive change or a new perspective into your life, and you may feel drawn to them as a result.
As how someone feels about you, the Wheel of Fortune suggests that they may see you as someone who is full of energy and potential. They feel that you have the ability to create positive change and to bring good luck into their world. However, it’s important to note that this card can also indicate a sense of instability or unpredictability, so it’s possible that this person may feel unsure or hesitant about your relationship.
Wheel of Fortune (Reversed) as Feelings
When reversed, the Wheel of Fortune may reveal feelings of anxiety, instability, and uncertainty. Someone may be fighting to recover control of their life because they feel trapped in an untenable situation. They may feel as though their life is going nowhere and that they are wasting their time, which can be frustrating and demotivating.
As far as romantic feelings go, the Wheel of Fortune reversed can signify a sense of unease or confusion. Someone may feel uncertain about your relationship and have doubts or hesitations about their feelings for you. They may feel unsure about where the relationship is going, or they may be struggling to commit due to their own personal issues.
When it comes to how someone feels about you, the reversed Wheel of Fortune card means that they feel you are someone who is struggling to find their footing or to regain control over their life. They may feel a sense of empathy or concern for you, but they may also feel frustrated or uncertain about how to support you.
Wheel of Fortune: Yes or No
In a Yes or No tarot reading, the Wheel of Fortune tarot card almost always represents a ‘yes‘.
The Wheel of Fortune signifies change, flux, and flow. If you’re asking the tarot whether or not you should do something like take a job offer or go on a trip, this card is often a positive ‘Yes’. However, if you do choose to move forward with this situation, you’ll need to remain flexible. Big transformations may come from this, or there may be external forces at play that you aren’t yet aware of. Remain open-minded and try your best to go with the flow!
The Wheel of Fortune says ‘yes‘, as long as you’re willing to adapt, be bold, create your own luck, and take initiative. If you’re feeling doubtful, you can always pull another card from the tarot for further clarification.
Wheel of Fortune (Reversed): Yes or No
The Wheel of Fortune Reversed as a Yes or No indicates a ‘no’. This is because when the Wheel of Fortune shows up reversed, it often shows bad luck, forced changes, or trying to control the outcome.
When seeking a Yes or No answer from the tarot, the Wheel of Fortune Reversed is a strong ‘no‘ and encourages you to let go of the need to be in control. You can’t force things right now. If you try, you may end up with a less-than-desirable result. Let events take course naturally.
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↑1 | https://greekreporter.com/2021/07/05/the-moirai-the-fates-of-greek-mythology/ |
↑2 | https://symbolsage.com/anubis-egyptian-god-of-death/#:~:text=people%20to%20achieve.-,Symbolism%20of%20Anubis,the%20deceased%20from%20vicious%20scavengers. |
↑3 | https://coriechu.com/blog/number-10-numerology#:~:text=What%20Does%20the%20Number%2010,Self%2DDiscovery |